Benchmarks for vnncomp 2022, generated from work on Minimum-Error Trajectories
This set of benchmarks is related to classical reinforcement learning problems.
This benchmark is the standard inverted pendulum that must be stabilized
This benchmark is the problem of making an unmanned aerial vehicle to follow a manned one acting as the lead
This benchmark is the rocket trajectory optimization for landing correctly in a given place a two-motor aerial vehicle
--- List of all rl_benchmarks [fullycon_net] networks (From : vnncomp2022_benchmarks )---
Number of parameters: 4610
Node types: ['Gemm' 'Flatten' 'Relu']
Number of parameters: 70152
Node types: ['Relu' 'Add' 'MatMul']
Number of parameters: 4996
Node types: ['Gemm' 'Flatten' 'Relu']