- Adds Huey to eventually replace Celery. boundlexx.notifications tasks
- migrated. New tasks are (mostly) designed to run _without_ Django or DB.
- Adds /ingest-* endpoints under main API with seiralizers and everything
- Adds /ingest/world-forum-id/ endpoint for Huey
- Upgrades to Python 3.9
- Upgrades to Django 3.2
- Squashes all existing mirgations
- Updates Azure code to match new Terraformed environment
- Updates static file caching to be smarter
- Updates html_name fields to escape all existing HTML before calculating
- Removes BoundlessClient to seperate private repo
- Migrates Docker Images from docker.pkg.github.com to ghcr.io
- Removes Google Sheets related tasks/code
- Adds ModelDiffMixin to only update World model when it actually changes
- Adds last_updated to /worlds/ and accompanying filter
- Adds thumbnail images for Worlds, Item and Emojis
- Adds default_color for Items and uses it to determine default item image
- Adds /metals/ endpoint
- Adds images for items
- Adds item images to forum template
- Updates purge_cache command to purged redis cached data
- Adds permissions to allow authed users to access private worlds
- Adds world image creation from Atlas image dumps
- Removes deprecated listWorld endpoint on v1
- Fixes set of world IDs that get searched for
- Fixes initial resources not being added back to forum post on update
- Fixes length of guild_tag for longer guild names
- Fixes issue for uploading JSON for perm worlds
- Adds server address to world list view
- Fixes for testing version 249.4
- Upgrades to docker-compose file 3.8 spec
- Adds full categorization of Emojis
- Adds update link to forum template generator
- Refactors Boundless Client
- Adds affiliation attrbution/disclaimer.
- Changes resources to properly pull from game files.
- Adds prestige, mine_xp, build_xp, is_liquid, is_block, and resource_data to retrieveItem API.
- Fixes time to generate API Schemas
- Adds beacons endpoint on the Worlds API
- Adds atlas_image_url to listWorlds
- Fixes location seiralizer for Shop API endpoints
- Adds atlas images for worlds
- Adjusts default filters for shop API endpoints
- Adds better handling for permissions on Homeworld/Exoworlds
- Removes Creative Worlds from Resource count endpoints
- Removes all data from Worlds from v1 and v2 for worlds that are not is_public
- Adds parallelization to Shop Price polling
- Adds text_name/html_name for Leaderboard and Shop prices
- Adds missing count to Recipe API
- Adds has_colors and is_resource to Items API
- Adds is_public, is_public_edit, is_public_claim to Worlds list API
- Adds world_class to Worlds API
- Adds remaining endpoints to v2 API
- Replaces _average_per_chunk filter with proper average_per_chunk one
- Adds list_type to Items list. Also adds filter for it.
- Adds subtitles to v2 Items list endpoint
- Adds is_boundless_only + filter to Emojis
- Fixes performance issue with deuping search results
- Adds initial pass of v2 endpoints
- Added /api/v1/forum/ that mimics the actual forum form one.
- Changes msgpack format to follow the same optmization that Boundless uses on their msgpack Serialization
- Adds alt text/title to emoji images
- Adds searching by ID for Worlds, and GameObjs
- Adds image_url to Worlds Simple
- Fixes operation IDs so they play nicely with openapi-client-axios Node.js package
- Deprecates Worlds List endpoint in favor of the Worlds Simple List endpoint
- The Simple List endpoint will replace the normal List endpoint around 2020-12-1
- Adds earching to Emojis API
- Changes the logic for "inactive" worlds and world block colors to be more consistent
- Seralizers for both Worlds and WBC APIs will not return the active field
- show_inactive will function on Worlds and WBCs APIs
- show_inactive_colors will function on all WBCs endpoints
- Adds filters for active and world__active to the Worlds and WBCs APIs
- Adds bows to World API
- Adds Recipes and Recipe groups APIs
- Adds Sovereign Blocks endpoint to the Colors API
- Adds max limit of 1000 items for limit filters.
- Changes filter logic to return HTTP 400 for any unknown filters to prevent cache busting
- Adds a 5 request per second per view rate limit
- Adds format=msgpack format to APIs
- Adds Blocks API
- Adds Dump endpoint to Worlds API
- Only supports format=msgpack
- Cached heavily for 1 hour
- Adds html_name and text_name to Worlds API
- Adds sort_name ordering filter to the Worlds API
- Adds is_public_edit and is_public_claim to the Worlds API
- Adds Sovereign colors endpoint to Items API
- Adds performance improvements for polling worlds to hand the sheer number of new worlds
- Adds WIP endpoint to pull World Control data from Sovereign worlds
- Adds WIP Discord Webhook notification for new colors
- Changes existing color booleans on WBC APIs to reflect how "new color" logic works with new Sovereign worlds.
- Adds "Forum Template Generator"
- Changes Discord Webhook post format to be more inline with Forum Template
- Adds average_per_chunk field to the Resource Counts endpoints
- Changes default API Schema render from ReDoc to SwaggerUI
- Adds start_after, start_before, end_after, and end_before filters to Worlds API
- Changes all time filters to use ISO 8601 timestrings
- Adds minting values and more locaization/string data to Items API
- Adds atmosphere protection info to the Worlds API
- Adds Skills and Skill Groups APIs
- Adds Emojis API
- Adds Game File API (requires API key auth)
_Note_: Thanks to willcrutchley for the hard work to actually get the images from the game files
- Changes frontdoor to API to Azure CDN instead of Cloudflare
- Changes format=json to the default format instead of format=api
- Adds dynamic caching for worlds
- Adds Shop Prices for Items to the Items and Worlds APIs.
- Currently only aviable for the Testing Universe instance. Still need API key for Live Universe
- Adds is_resource and has_colors filters to the Items API
- Adds show_inactive filter to Worlds API
- Adds show_inactrive_colors filter to the World Block Color APIs
- Changes Colors List endpoint to only return a single result per color
- Adds image URLs and forum posts URLs to Worlds API
- Adds warp/portal costs details to the World Distances API
- Adds Timeseries endpoints for World Polls and Item Resource Counts
- Adds Trigram/Gin index for Postgres to allow for full text/fuzzy search endpoints
- Adds filters to Worlds and Items APIs
- Adds Webhook notifications for new Exoworlds
- Adds parsing color data from DB Google Sheet
- Adds Live Universe instance.
- Adds API endpoint World Block Color data.
- Adds ingestion URL to pull in a "World JSON" file from the game
- Adds Celery task to parse Exoworld data from forums
- Adds RGB Hex values to Colors API
- Adds Cloudflare caching layer
- Initial release with Testing Universe version.