Merge branch 'main' of https://ghp_k8EUbvrIwCiGEtc8baedaTNGLEY12m09TL…
Merge branch 'main' of https://ghp_k8EUbvrIwCiGEtc8baedaTNGLEY12m09TL…
Fix header including to avoid confusion: header only included where t…
Fix header including to avoid confusion: header only included where t…
Pull request merge
std::vector: Using emplace_back to replace push_back to improve perfo…
std::vector: Using emplace_back to replace push_back to improve perfo…
Pull request merge
InflatePaths function (C# only) - added missing arcTolerance parameter.
InflatePaths function (C# only) - added missing arcTolerance parameter.
Clipper.Offset - changed arc_tolerance default
Clipper.Offset - changed arc_tolerance default
CI update - Ubuntu non-default clang changed to 17 (was 13).
CI update - Ubuntu non-default clang changed to 17 (was 13).
Merge branch 'main' of https://ghp_k8EUbvrIwCiGEtc8baedaTNGLEY12m09TL…
Merge branch 'main' of https://ghp_k8EUbvrIwCiGEtc8baedaTNGLEY12m09TL…
Reversed LINQ dependency in C# code
Reversed LINQ dependency in C# code
Missed uploading clipper.engine.cs during the previous revision
Missed uploading clipper.engine.cs during the previous revision
another tweak to C++ CI configuration
another tweak to C++ CI configuration
tweaks to CI config.
tweaks to CI config.
clipper.export.h - minor tweak to Reinterpret function
clipper.export.h - minor tweak to Reinterpret function
Tweaked a C++ CI test routine
Tweaked a C++ CI test routine
clipper.export.h - tweaked new Reinterpret function
clipper.export.h - tweaked new Reinterpret function