A chess.com stockfish-style nes tetris analysis tool. This will extract tetris board state, and run through an evaulator to find mistakes in board stacking! This software requires a stable internet connection to be able to communicate with StackRabbit, and features and advanced AI autocallibration algorithm written by Xeal. It is run on Python 3 through the graphics library Pygame.
Please join the active discord to download a release of this project: https://discord.gg/4xkBHvGtzp
Watch the promo video here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY0oGto8Boo&ab_channel=PrimerTech A tutorial to use this software: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCdsmUElmb4
TetrisFish is powered by StackRabbit, a tetris AI made by Gregory Cannon that this program communicates with. I am grateful Greg was open to this idea and worked with me to create an API endpoint for this software. Refer to this link for more information: https://github.com/GregoryCannon/StackRabbit
This project would not have been possible without...
- HydrantDude: a graphics artist who designed the sexy UI for callibration and analysis (in progress)
- Xeal: Developer of the massive auto-callibration AI algorithm
- Grzechooo: prolific bugfixing
- Xenophilius: bugtesting, logo design, and graphics consultant
- MegaTech: Tetris expert and tuning for rating categories and last but not least, countless beta testers to improve the robustness, ease of use, and design of this software.