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Releases: AntaresSimulatorTeam/Antares_Simulator


16 Sep 09:43
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v8.1.0 (09/2021)

New features

  • Allow up to 9 RES groups (off-shore wind, on-shore wind, rooftop solar, PV solar, etc.) as opposed to wind and solar previously. This allows the user to distinguish between more renewable energy sources. When creating a new study, renewable generation modelling is set to "clusters" by default. This change does not affect opening an existing study. Note that TS generation is not available for these new RES groups.
  • Add 3 thermal groups, named other, other 2, other 3 and other 4.

Bug fixes

  • When a binding constraint is marked as skipped in the GUI, disable it in the solver #366


  • Keep selection on thermal/renewable cluster when its group changes #360
  • Dialogs "Thematic trimming" and "User playlist" are now resizable

For developers

  • Add non-regression tests on each release
  • Fix vcpkg on Github Actions
  • Add build cache for Github Actions to speed up the build (Linux only)


05 May 16:45
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Bug fixes

  • Fix calculation of average for variable "congestion probability"
  • Fix NODU when unit number is not an integer i.e has decimals
  • GUI: allow decimal nominal capacity for thermal clusters
  • GUI: Linux: use xdg-open to open pdf files instead of gnome-open

For developers

  • Remove code related to licence management
  • Remove openssl and libcurl dependencies


25 Mar 12:17
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Bug fixes

  • Fix GUI freeze when area color is changed but user don't validate new color
  • Correction of MC year weight use for PSP and MISC NDG


08 Mar 15:20
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  • Add "Continue Offline" button at startup if antares metric server is unreachable

Bug fixes

  • Error with hydro start when using scenario playlist and stochastic TS refresh span
  • Files needed for antares-xpansion not exported when using scenario playlist with first year disabled
  • Correction of crash if user define a stochastic TS refresh span of 0 : minimum value is now 0
  • Correction of MC years playlist weight write when sum of weight was equal to number oy years (no MC years playlist export in .ini)

For developers

  • Add a GitHub action to check if branch name will launch CI
  • Add shared dll in windows .zip archive


24 Feb 09:01
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⚠️ If you want to use the 8.0.x branch, we recommend using version 8.0.3, that is known for fixing several bugs and is compatible with this version.

Major improvements

This new version brings up three major improvements:

  • The MC Scenario Playlist feature was updated to introduce the definition of a weight for each Monte Carlo year. These weights are taken into account to compute synthetic result for all years.

  • It is now possible to define a starting hydro level percentage for reservoirs of each area in the MC Scenario Builder. Besides, a new advanced parameter gives the ability to prioritize the hydro generation heuristic either in favor of the accommodation of rule curves or towards the complete use of natural inflows.

  • It is now possible to solve the weekly optimization problems with an external solver, called through the OR-Tools optimization library. This feature is experimental.-
    This version is also compatible with the new antaresXpansion 0.1.0 version. Export of files needed for antaresXpansion was added.



  • OR-Tools integration :

    • add command line option in antares-solver to define OR-Tools use and OR-Tools solver (option --use-ortools and --ortools-solver='solver')
    • add GUI option in run simulation to define antares-solver launch with OR-Tools option
  • Add advanced hydro allocation feature. The default and existing behavior is to accomodate the guide curves, the new behavior is to maximize generation, even if it means that the reservoir level goes beyond the guide curves.

  • Add indication on how to disable anonymous metrics

  • antares-xpansion :

    • add option include-exportstructure in generaldata.ini to export .txt files needed for antares-xpansion
  • Scenario builder and hydraulic level :

    Adding an hydraulic starting level tab in the scenario builder.

    For each MC year and area, a starting level can be defined, that is a 0-100 value.

    When the scenario builder is enabled, these levels get priority upon hot-start mode.

  • Binding constraints (BC) and thermal clusters :

    If a must-run or disabled cluster is involved in a binding constraint :

    • the cluster is marked as "N/A" in the BC formula (GUI > Binding constraint > Summary)
    • the cluster is marked as must-run/disabled in the Weights or Offsets tabs.

    If a BC involves only zero weighted clusters/links or must-run/disabled clusters, the BC is :

    • marked with a red bullet in the Summary tab
    • marked as Skipped in the Weights and Offsets tabs
  • MC Scenario Playlist :
    Add possibility to define a weight for each MC years in the synthetis results.

    See : GUI > Configure > MC scenario playlist.

    By default, a MC year's weight is 1, but can be set by user to more or less.

    After simulation, the MC year have a contribution to averages or standard deviations in synthesis results
    depending on the weight it was given.

Bug fixes

  • Selecting an area and then, from the inspector, trying to select a thermal cluster or a link of this area in the dependencies
    section causes a crash. The inspector's cluster/link selection was removed.
  • Scenario builder :
    • It makes no sense for the user to access the scenario builder Configure menu item whereas the Building mode parameter is set
      to Automatic or Derated. In the previous cases, the Configute menu item is disabled.
    • If a disabled thermal cluster is given a time series number in a non active rule of the scenario builder, a warning should not be
      triggered. If the disabled cluster is given a number for many MC years in the active rule, a single summary warning should be raised,
      not a warning per year.

For developers

  • External dependencies :

    • use of new repository antares-deps for external dependencies compilation
  • Fix several compilation warnings

  • Remove unused COUT_TRANSPORT constant

  • Add code formatting with clang-format

  • Remove PNE dead code

  • docker image :

    • create of dockerfile for docker image creation
  • continuous integration :

  • Unit tests :

    • Adding an end-to-end test in memory (see simple-study.cpp) :

      This test calls high level functions to build a simple study and runs it.

      It then checks if some elements of results match associated expected values.

      During this process, file system is not involved : everything takes place in RAM
    • Adding pytest scripts to check reference output values
    • Add pytest scripts related to unfeasible problems


18 Feb 16:38
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v8.0.0-rc3 Pre-release

For users

  • Add advanced hydro allocation feature
  • Add indication on how to disable anonymous metrics

For developers

  • Fix several compilation warnings
  • Remove unused COUT_TRANSPORT constant
  • Add code formatting with clang-format
  • Remove PNE dead code
  • Disable GLOP solver from OR-Tools (incompatible with Antares linear problems)

Testing / CI

  • Add automatic tests related to unfeasible problems
  • Add column value checks


27 Jan 07:49
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v8.0.0-rc2 Pre-release
commit for version 8.0.0-rc2


17 Dec 14:24
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v8.0.0-rc Pre-release
correction of antares docker image with submodule update for antares-…


09 Oct 15:25
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  • Simulation dashboard: A new "Geographic Trimming" option is now available in the "Configure" menu. This option makes it possible to filter the simulation's output content so as to include only results regarding Areas and Links of interest

  • Optimization: a new parameter "Unfeasible Problems Behavior" is available in the "advanced preferences" section of the "Configure" menu, with four possible values: (Error Dry, Error Verbose, Warning Dry, Warning Verbose)
    The first two options make the simulation stop right after encountering the first mathematically unfeasible problem, if any
    The last two options make the simulation skip all unfeasible problems, if any
    "Verbose" options print faulty problems in the “mps” format
    "Dry" options only report the time frame (MC year, week) for which an unfeasible problem was detected

  • Compilation and cmake tree :
    Updates were made for more modern CMake use. Git submodules (extern dependencies : curl, openssl, wxwidget) are no more in use.
    These external dependencies can be retrieved :

    • either from a library manager : vcpkg for Windows, classic package
      repositories for Linux. With this way to proceed, an installation of external
      dependencies is required once for all.
    • or thanks to an automatic download : at Antares' cmake configure step,
      all needed downloads, compilation and installation are done.
  • Unit tests :
    unit tests around class Matrix are now available. They can be compiled (on demand) during Antares' cmake build step and run either with ctest or in the classic way.
    Boost.Test is required and can be priorily retrieved and installed in the same way as the other external dependencies.

  • Continuous integration : yaml files for github actions allow the run of all build chain and unit tests on several environment (Windows and Ubuntu). The 2 ways of getting external dependencies are also tested.

  • Documentation: updated reference guide

  • Usage metrics: added reference key for this version

Bug fixes

  • GUI of the "Thematic trimming" option: Window size is naturally readjusted to improve readability by upgrading wxwidgets (3.1.3 and above).

  • Auxiliary "Batchrun" tool: two options previously missing in the command line syntax have been introduced and now make it possible to launch a sequence of simulations to run in parallel


07 Oct 12:54
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v7.2.0-rc3 Pre-release

v7.2.0-rc3 version.
Debian package for demonstation only, not fully tested. Don't hesitate to publish an issue.