Purpose: The role information of the responsible party serving as metadata point of contact is mandatory by the ISO 19115. Role code "pointOfContact" must be used.
- A.01.validate must be passed
Test method
- Check that the metadata record contains the RoleCode element under contact.
- Check that the attribute codeList has value "http://standards.iso.org/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/ISO_19139_Schemas/resources/codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#CI_RoleCode"
- Check that the attribute codeListValue has value "pointOfContact".
Test type: Automated
The TG Requirement 38 is not clear: The requirement text says that "the default value is pointOfContact", but it refers to SC16, which seems to mandate a fixed value:
SC16.The value of MD_Metadata.contact[1].CI_ResponsibleParty.role.CI_RoleCode shall be pointOfContact.
Open questions:
- The the codeList URL above the only approved way to refer to the CI_RoleCode codelist?
- Does the string value of the RoleCode element have any significance? Does it have to also be "pointOfContact" or can it be missing entirely?
##Contextual XPath references
The namespace prefixes used as described in README.md.