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reisenberger edited this page May 16, 2016 · 35 revisions



RetryPolicy retry = Policy

The above example will create a retry policy which will retry up to three times, an action which fails with an exception handled by the Policy.

For full retry syntax and overloads (including retry-forever, wait-and-retry, and related variants), see

How Polly Retry works

retry operation

When an action is executed through the policy:

  • The retry policy attempts the action passed in the .Execute(…) (or similar) delegate.
    • If the action executes successfully, the return value (if relevant) is returned and the policy exits.
    • If the action throws an unhandled exception, it is rethrown and the policy exits: no further tries are made.
  • If the action throws a handled exception, the policy:
    • Counts the exception
    • Checks whether another retry is permitted.
      • If not, the exception is rethrown and the policy terminates.
      • If another try is permitted, the policy:
        • Raises the onRetry delegate (if configured)
        • In the case of a wait-and-retry policy, calculates the duration to wait from the IEnumerable<TimeSpan> or Func<int, TimeSpan> configured, and waits.
        • Returns to the beginning of the cycle, to retry executing the action again.

Overall number of attempts

The overall number of attempts that may be made to execute the action is one plus the number of retries configured. For example, if the policy is configured .Retry(3), up to four attempts are made: the initial attempt, plus up to three retries.

Exponential backoff

A common retry strategy is exponential backoff: this allows for retries to be made initially quickly, but then at progressively longer intervals, to avoid hitting a subsystem with too many simultaneous calls if the subsystem may be struggling.

Exponential backoff can be achieved by configuring waits-between-retries manually:


or by calculation:

  .WaitAndRetry(3, retryAttempt => 
    TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, retryAttempt)) 


Each call to .Execute(…) (or similar) through a retry policy maintains its own private state. A retry policy can therefore be re-used safely in a multi-threaded environment.

The internal operation of the retry policy is thread-safe, but this does not magically make delegates you execute through the policy thread-safe: if the delegates you execute through the policy are not thread-safe, they remain not thread-safe.

OnRetry delegate

The delegate is executed immediately after the policy determines a retry is permitted, but before (when waits apply) the wait-between-tries commences.

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