See for general usage and Terraform AzureRM docs on how to get secrets (you have to to the classic portal, the alternative method described didn't work).
Sample vars/azure-recipe.tfvars
name = "yourprefix"
azure_subscription_id = "from portal"
azure_client_id = "from classic portal"
azure_client_secret = "from classic portal"
azure_tenant_id = "from classic portal"
azure_location = "West Europe"
kontena_master_version = "0.15.5"
kontena_node_version = "0.15.5"
kontena_mongo_count = "1"
kontena_master_count = "1"
kontena_node_count = "3"
$ recipes/azure/singlemongolbed yourgrid initial_nodes [email protected] password
- Virtual machine storage image reference values can be seen by creating a new machine and inspecting the template it will use. Even if you don't create the machine the wizard will create a resource group that needs to be deleted..
- VM sizes are here:
- 32gb of premium storage "Page blob" will cost ~18eur/mo
Status=409 Code="SkuNotAvailable"
--> You prob. don't have permission to deploy to the region at all.
- other DNS server instead of ?