The variable file can be found at vars/install-on-aws.yml and vars/install-common-vars.yml. It will configure the deployment playbook at install.yml to perform a cluster installation on AWS.
$ cp inventory.example inventory
$ # Edit inventory and add your expected orchestration host
$ # Edit deployment variables or define env variables
$ ansible-playbook -vv -i inventory install.yml -e platform=aws
$ ansible-playbook -vv -i inventory uninstall.yml
Vars in vars/install-on-aws.yml and vars/install-common-vars.yml can be defined as environment variables on the host that you will be running the playbooks. vars/install-common-vars.yml are generic to any cloud platform and vars/install-on-aws.yml vars are specific to the cloud provider to be able to talk to the respective API.
Default: No default.
The AWS access key.
Default: No default.
The AWS secret access key.
Default: us-west-2
The AWS region to install on to.
Default: No default.
Account ID
Default: false
Cleans up the duplicate cluster matching the CLUSTER_NAME if exists
Default: true
Installs cluster
OCM URL to connect to
Default: No default.
API token to login into your or OCM account
Default: true
Default: No default
Name of the cluster
Default: true
Default: true
Sets up workers in multiple availability zones when enabled
Default: 3
Number of computer/worker nodes in the cluster
Default: m5.2xlarge
Machine type or flavor for the worker/compute nodes in AWS
Default: OVNKubernetes
Default: openshift-v4.11.0-rc.5-x86_64-candidate OpenShift version to install
Default: /root/.kube/config
Location to copy the kubeconfig of the cluster
Default: true
Default: false
Default: staging Environment to use
Default: no default
pull secret for cluster installs
Default: 2
Number of clusters to install on the management cluster
Default: 2
Number of worker nodes per hosted cluster
Default: OVNKubernetes
Network plugin to use for the hosted clusters
Default: HighlyAvailable
This will setup replicas in different zones to be HA
Hosted cluster version
Default: true
Install hypershift client
Default: release-4.11
Default: false
Default: no default