All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- #68 Create Graph Variables collection if not present
- Bump junit from 4.12 to 4.13.1
- Collection name prefix is now optional to support existing database collections/graphs
- Maven surefire runs supported tests
- Changelong file
- Corrected information on ID management
- Edge.getEdgeVertices() returns correct edges
- Deleting a Property deletes its incoming edges
- Fixed Javadocs
- Spelling mistakes
- ConfigurationBuilder sets gremlim.graph property
- Official Gremlin Test Suite is used for testing
- Move to tinkerpop 3
- Move to ArangoDB 3.3
- Move to ArangoDB Java driver 5.0
- #25
- Changed to Apache httpclient 4.2.5
- Updated to ArangoDB java client 2.7.3
- Update to java driver 2.7.0
- Support of ArangoDB 2.6
- Changed version to 1.0.10 for Blueprints 2.6
- Updates for new graph document format in arangodb 2.2
- Changes for gremlin 2.5.0
- Honor batch size in BatchGraph
- Honor client connection configuration options
- Fixed setup
- Updates for ArangoDBGraph.query()
- Default logging config
- Rexter config
- Changed caching of changed elements
- Initial Version