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Things I am using
- Editor: VSCode
- Shell:
- Chrome Extensions
- VS Code Settings & Extensions
- Windows Gadget
- Interesting Website
- Podcast
- Dark Reader - Dark mode for every website
- Vimium C - Full keyboard to operate the browser
- Refined GitHub - No brainer must-have
- Tampermonkey - User scripts for any website
- File Icons for GitHub and GitLab - It looks very nice!
- I don't care about cookies - Disable cookie popups, probably more relevant in EU
- better-onetab - Better OneTab
- iTab New Tab - A fancier New Page
- 书签侧边栏 - Adds a toggleable sidebar with all your bookmarks at the edge of your browser window.
- Quick QR - A super handy QR Code Generator
- Immersive Translate - Let's experience immersive web translation, with bilingual simultaneous display and translation of only the important content.
- Wappalyzer - Identify web technologies
- Volar - Vue 3 support Must-have
- UnoCSS - UnoCSS for VS Code
- ESLint - Integrates ESLint JavaScript into VS Code.
- GitHub Copilot - AI pair programmer
- Codeium - Intelligent code completion and refactoring. (It's free~)
- Live Server - Launch a development local Server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages
- open in browser - This allows you to open the current file in your default browser or application.
- Code Runner - Run code snippet or code file for multiple languages.
- Vim - Vim emulation for Visual Studio Code
- Error Lens - Improve highlighting of errors, warnings and other language diagnostics.
- File Nesting Updater - Auto updating for Anthony's file nesting config.
- GitHub Pull Requests and Issues - GitHub Pull Requests, Issues, and Notifications
- Open in GitHub Button - Add a button to go to the GitHub on the status bar.
- GitLens - Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code
- Goto definition alias - Go to definition following alias redirections
- Iconify IntelliSense - Intelligent Iconify previewing and searching for VS Code
- snipaste - Snipaste is a simple but powerful snipping tool.
- uTools - Gadget integration set, a new generation of efficiency tool platform.
- Windows Terminal + WSL2 + Oh My Zsh - A perfect combination. (My configuration document)
Cmder- Cmder is a software package created out of pure frustration over the absence of nice console emulators on Windows.PowerShell- PowerShell is a powerful open source command line and tool set。My configuration document
- PowerToys - PowerToys is a set of utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows experience for greater productivity.
- Twinkle Tray - Twinkle Tray lets you easily manage the brightness levels of multiple monitors.
- GifCam - GifCam is easy and fun animated gif making app.
- 7-zip - 7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio.
- Apple Music - Apple Music for Windows
- Clash for Windows - A Windows GUI based on Clash
- Code screenshot - Turn your code into beautiful images.
- Netlify - Netlify is a platform for modern web projects.
- Vercel - Develop. Preview. Ship.
- Wallhaven - Wallhaven is a site created by and for people who like wallpapers, as well as a place where anime fans can be treated mostly like normal human beings.
- Google Fonts - Google Fonts is a library of 1,064 free licensed font families and APIs for conveniently using the fonts via CSS and Android.
- Can I use - "Can I use" provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers.
- Anyway - JJ & Leon talk about tech, life, and everything in between.
- 半拿铁 | 商业沉浮录 - Financial media and Internet veterans to accompany you to chat about business.
- Beyond Code - Beyond Code is a programmer chat podcast co-hosted by GeekPlux and Randy.
- Web Worker - The Web Worker Podcast is a front-end Chinese audio podcast where several front-end programmers chat. The program will focus on the field of programmers, chat about information, talk about the workplace, talk about technology selection... As long as it is related to web development, you can talk about it.