For the entire set of projects, a wholesome documentation is available @ :
This file contains source code for making a LED light switch on / off via the web application
Steps :
1. Download the zip file
2. Unzip the zip file
3. Create a directory named RASPi under /var/www/html in Raspberry Pi
4. Place the contents of the zip file under /var/www/html/RASPi/
This file contains source codes for -
i) Making LED switch on/off via web application
ii) Getting time-series data from DHT11 sensor and projecting the same in a Chart
iii) Connecting and disconnecting DHT11 sensor via web application
iv) Tracking status of DHT11 sensor and LED
vi) Tracking actions taken on LED and DHT11 sensor
vii) Shut down / Reboort Raspberry Pi from web application
Steps ::
1. Download the zip file
2. Unzip the zip file
3. Create a directory named RASPi under /var/www/html in Raspberry Pi
4. Place the contents of the zip file under /var/www/html/RASPi/
5. Edit config.ini file and change entries : DB_PASSWORD , PUBNUB_PUBLISH_KEY & PUBNUB_SUBSCRIBE_KEY