Releases: Aris-t2/CustomCSSforFx
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.5.0
Full changelog:
[Location Bar]
- (fix) Fx 126+ compatibility for 'megabar breakout disabled' option
- (tweak) mega bar popup> 'title and url' share ~50% of popups width
- (tweak) mega bar popup > 'url and title' share ~50% of popups width
- (tweak) mega bar popup > 'url only'
- (fix) hide 'sync' category (wrong file in main release)
- (new) hide "Addons Support" item
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.4.9
Full changelog:
Replaced ":-moz-lwtheme" with ":root[lwtheme]" > Firefox 126+ compatibility.
- (fix) tabs multiple lines > force new tab visibility > new tab glitch
[Location Bar / Mega Bar]
- (tweak) identity box tweak
[General UI]
- (tweak) close icon settings
- (new) hide 'sync' category
- (tweak) added 'about:settings' url to all corresponding options
- (fix) dark mode: add-on lists > replace buttons with icons
- (fix) hide 'sync' category (wrong file in main release)
- (new) hide "Addons Support" item
[Location Bar]
- (tweak) mega bar popup> 'title and url' share ~50% of popups width
- (tweak) mega bar popup > 'url and title' share ~50% of popups width
- (tweak) mega bar popup > 'url only'
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.4.8
Full changelog:
- (removed) addonbar_extra_bookmarks_toolbar_below_navbar.css, it code is once again part of addonbar_move_bookmarks_toolbar_to_bottom.css
- (fix) icon color for reset button
- (fix) dark themes: buttons on bookmarks toolbar > old size and appearance
- (new) bookmarks menu button popup > hide "Show All Bookmarks" bottom item
- (fix) tab close for only one visible tab
- (tweak) Addons-bar: included code for 'extra bookmarks toolbar'
- (fix) dark themes: icons + text mode & text mode
[General UI]
- (fix) Linux: 'page context menu > back, forward, reload and bookmarks button labels + icons'
[Preferences (about:preferences)]
- (fix) dark themes: alternative appearance v2
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.4.7
Full changelog:
- Added macOS CSS code to already existing CSS files.
- Removed
replaces tabs_below_navigation_toolbar_macOS.css
and can now be used on macOS too.
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.4.6
Full changelog:
- (fix) options for 'button appearances on toolbars' (classic, aero, dark etc.)
- (fix) general toolbar colors (if dark OS theme is used, but no LW-theme is active)
- (fix) macOS: icons + text mode & text mode
[Location Bar]
- (fix) popup > hide 'Search with...' and 'Visit...' results
- (fix) popup > hide "suggest" label
- (fix) popup > two lines (completely rewritten)
- (tweak) popup > 'title and url' share ~50% of popups width
- (tweak) popup > 'url and title' share ~50% of popups width
- (tweak) restore urlbars visible border
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.4.5
Full changelog:
- (fix) tabs below navigation toolbar (incl. alt/macOS) > Firefox view button glitch
- (fix) "tab max width" option
- (tweak) photon tabs
- (tweak) "hide Firefox view button" option
[Location Bar]
- (fix) "autocomplete popup > two lines" option
- (tweak) "rotate overflow button for open menu" option
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.4.4
Full changelog:
[Location Bar]
- (fix) restore urlbars visible border
- (tweak) classic squared tabs
- (tweak) classic squared tabs australized
- (tweak) default tabs photon
- (tweak) default tabs photon (alt)
- (fix) tabs below navigation toolbar (if dark OS theme is used, but no LW-theme is active)
- (fix) general toolbar colors (if dark OS theme is used, but no LW-theme is active)
- (fix) icons + text mode
- (new) top toolbar colors v2 (mainly for tabs below navigation toolbar option / top_toolbar_colors_v2.css)
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.4.3
Full changelog:
- (fix) classic squared tabs australized
- (fix) default tabs enhanced
- (fix) default tabs photon (alt)
- (fix) default tabs with colors
- (fix) default tabs photon
- (fix) default tabs photon (alt)
- (tweak) classic squared tabs > Firefox view button
- (tweak) classic squared tabs australized > Firefox view button
- (tweak) default tabs photon > Firefox view button
- (tweak) default tabs photon (alt) > Firefox view button
Firefox view button
The button is visible by default, but can be (re)moved in customizing mode.
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.4.2
Full changelog:
- (change)
: updated--addonbar_height
variables value - (change)
: added note AeroGlass otions are not supported beyond Fx 116.
- (fix) classic squared tabs
- (fix) classic squared tabs australized
- (new) Nightly icon for those, who want it on release channel too (
- (tweak) back/forward buttons > connected
- (tweak) back/forward buttons > connected to location bar
[General UI]
- (tweak) search bar > search popup > show labels with scrollbars
- (tweak) simulated add-on bar
[Location Bar]
- (fix) popup > hide 'Search with...' and 'Visit...' results
- (fix) popup > hide "suggest" label
- (fix) autocomplete popup > two lines
- (fix) mega bar popup > 'title and url' share ~50% of popups width
- (fix) mega bar popup > 'url and title' share ~50% of popups width
- (fix) mega bar popup > 'url only'
- (fix) restore urlbars visible border
[Location Bar]
- (fix) autocomplete popup > two lines
- (fix) mega bar popup > 'title and url' share ~50% of popups width
- (fix) mega bar popup > 'url and title' share ~50% of popups width
- (fix) mega bar popup > 'url only'
[Location Bar]
- (fix) autocomplete popup > two lines
- (fix) mega bar popup > 'title and url' share ~50% of popups width
- (fix) mega bar popup > 'url and title' share ~50% of popups width
[Location Bar]
- (fix) popup > hide "suggest" label
[Location Bar]
- (fix) autocomplete popup > two lines
[Location Bar]
- (fix) autocomplete popup > two lines
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.4.1
Full changelog:
- (fix) classic squared tabs
- (fix) classic squared tabs australized
- (fix) photon tabs
- (request) photon tabs option from v4.2.7 (buggy, not supported) (default_tabs_photon_alt.css)
- (new) classic squared tabs > old border colors for lw-themes (classic_squared_tabs_old_bordercolor_for_lwthemes.css)
- (new) 'all tabs' button always hidden
[General UI]
- (new) hide 'search bookmarks' from bookmark menus (searchbookmarks_hidden.css)
- (fix) buttons on bookmarks toolbar > old size and appearance
- (fix) simulated add-on bar + custom icon sets