is a FastCGI application written in Perl 5. In order to install it you will need a web server that supports FastCGI, a working installation of Perl and various modules from the CPAN.
Hopefully you have a VPS or something. If not, acquire one. The steps in this tutorial are Debian-specific so it would be easiest to use a Debian server. If you fancy documenting for other platforms then pull requests are very welcome.
The main TwitRSS runs on Apache with mod_fastcgi. You could use nginx if you wanted. But in this guide we will use Apache.
sudo aptitude install apache2
Then install the fastcgi module (it is in the non-free repositories, I'm afraid)
sudo aptitude install libapache2-mod-fastcgi
You may need to install git first
sudo aptitude install git
Then clone the repository into /var/www (or wherever you keep your web documents).
sudo bash
cd /var/www
git clone
Perl is probably installed already, but install it if not.
I use cpanminus to manage Perl dependencies but you may want to use apt, though LWP::Protocol::Net::Curl is not in the Debian repositories. You will also need libcurl3-dev. The required Perl dependencies are listed in cpanfile.
sudo aptitude install cpanm libcurl3-dev
sudo cpanm --installdeps .
Once all is installed you should be able to go in to /var/www/twitrssme/fcgi and run the Perl script thus.
cd /var/www/twitrssme/fcgi
You should then see an RSS of the twitter feed of ciderpunx spew out on to your terminal.
Now we need to set up Apache to serve TwitRSS. In this tutorial we set up the default host, but proceed similarly for a virtual host.
vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
Here is a basic config.
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/twitrssme/
<Directory /var/www/twitrssme/>
Options +ExecCGI +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch -MultiViews +Includes
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all
FastCgiServer /var/www/twitrssme/fcgi/ -processes 5 -idle-timeout 5 -appConnTimeout 3 -priority 18 -listen-queue-depth 20
ScriptAlias /twitter_user_to_rss/ /var/www/twitrssme/fcgi/
FastCgiServer /var/www/twitrssme/fcgi/ -processes 5 -idle-timeout 5 -appConnTimeout 3 -priority 18 -listen-queue-depth 20
ScriptAlias /twitter_search_to_rss/ /var/www/twitrssme/fcgi/
<Directory /var/www/twitrssme/fcgi>
SetHandler fastcgi-script
ExpiresActive Off
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/twitrssme.error.log
LogLevel warn
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/twitrssme.access.log varnish_vhost_combined
I had to enable the expires module. You may need to enable fastcgi in a similar fashion.
sudo a2enmod expires
The final step is to restart apache.
sudo apachectl graceful
You should now be able to see your instance of
On the website I use Varnish to cache results, and haproxy to deal with https connections. I used to use Pound for the https bit but it struggled with more than 500 connections a second from lots of clients. It is all hosted on Bytemark’s BigV infrastructure.