Releases: Asqatasun/Contrast-Finder
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
Thanks to:
- @Quenty31 PR #243 Update Occitan i18n file
- @davidjr82 PR #244 Update Spanish i18n file
- @miname PR #245 Update Korean i18n file
Outdated dependencies:
- #250 - Upgraded markdown-page-generator (2.3.0 instead of 2.2.0)
- #252 - Upgraded owasp:dependency-check (5.3.2 instead of 5.3.1)
- #253 - Upgraded springFramework (4.3.27 instead of 4.3.26)
- #254 - Upgraded spring-security (4.2.16 instead of 4.2.14)
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
Thanks to:
- @Quenty31 PR #223 Occitan translation
- @zwiastunsw PR #220 Polish translation
New Features:
Outdated dependencies:
- #241 - Upgraded maven-site-plugin (3.7.1 --> 3.8.2)
- #240 - Upgraded maven-compiler-plugin (3.8.0 --> 3.8.1)
- #239 - Upgraded maven-jar-plugin (3.1.1 --> 3.2.0)
- #238 - Upgraded maven-javadoc-plugin (3.1.0 ---> 3.1.1)
- #237 - Upgraded maven-surefire-plugin (3.0.0-M3 ---> 3.0.0-M4)
- #236 - Upgraded maven-war-plugin (3.2.2 --> 3.2.3)
- #235 - Upgraded build-helper-maven-plugin (3.0.0 ---> 3.1.0)
- #234 - Upgraded jacoco-maven-plugin (0.8.3 --> 0.8.5)
- #233 - Upgraded dependency-check-maven (5.0.0-M2 ---> 5.3.1)
- #232 - Upgraded maven-checkstyle-plugin (3.0.0 --> 3.1.1)
- #231 - Upgraded maven-dependency-plugin (3.1.1 --> 3.1.2)
- #230 - Upgraded jdeb (1.7 --> 1.8)
- #229 - Upgraded spring-security (4.2.12 --> 4.2.14)
- #228 - Upgraded spring (4.3.23 --> 4.3.26)
- #227 - Upgraded markdown-page-generator-plugin (2.1.0 ---> 2.2.0)
- #226 - Upgraded junit (4.12 --> 4.13)
- #225 - Upgraded commons-collections4 (4.3 --> 4.4)
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
Outdated dependencies:
- #205 - Upgraded SpringFramework (4.3.23 instead of 4.3.21)
- #206 - Upgraded spring-security (4.2.12 instead of 4.2.10)
- #207 - Upgraded javaee-web-api (8.0.1 instead of 8.0)
- #208 - Upgraded jacoco-maven-plugin (0.8.3 instead of 0.8.2)
- #209 - Upgraded owasp dependency-check (5.0.0-M2 instead of 3.3.4)
- #210 - Upgraded maven-javadoc-plugin (3.1.0 instead of 3.0.1)
- #211 - Upgraded maven-surefire-plugin (3.0.0-M3 instead of 3.0.0-M1)
- #212 - Upgraded maven-jar-plugin (3.1.1 instead of 3.1.0)
- #214 - Upgraded commons-collections4 (4.3 instead of 4.2)
- updated the copyright date (.java and pom.xml files)
- updated xml files: adding license header + some missing xml declaration
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
Outdated dependencies:
- #193 - Upgraded maven-deploy-plugin (3.0.0-M1 instead of 2.8.2)
- #194 - Upgraded maven-install-plugin (3.0.0-M1 instead of 2.5.2)
- #195 - Upgraded maven-jxr-plugin (3.0.0 instead of 2.5)
- #196 - Upgraded maven-surefire-plugin (3.0.0-M1 instead of 2.22.1)
- #197 - Upgraded org.owasp:dependency-check-maven (3.3.4 instead of 3.3.1)
- #198 - Upgraded jdeb (1.7 instead of 1.6)
- #200 - Upgraded SpringFramework (4.3.21 instead of 4.3.20)
- #201 - Upgraded spring-security (4.2.10 instead of 4.2.9)
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
Outdated dependencies:
- #180 - Upgraded commons-lang3 (3.8.1 instead of 3.8)
- #192 - Upgraded SpringFramework (4.3.20 instead of 4.3.18)
- #191 - Upgraded spring-security (4.2.9 instead of 4.2.7)
- #190 - Upgraded maven-surefire-plugin (2.22.1 instead of 2.22.0)
- #184 - Webapp: modify the title tag when the form is on error to inform the user
- #189 - Maven Surefire plugin: temporary fix until a new version (after 2.22.1)
- #183 - Added config. informations in the logs when starting the webapp
- #185 - Added new configuration option for logging colors results
- #187 - Added new configuration options: available languages and default language
- #188 - Webapp: languages switcher now depends on the configuration options
- #186 - Webapp: added new page to provide build ID (commit hash)
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
Outdated dependencies:
- #163 - Upgraded SpringFramework (4.3.18 instead of 4.3.17)
- #162 - Upgraded spring--security (4.2.7 instead of 4.2.6)
- #176 - Upgraded commons-collections4 (4.2 instead of 4.1)
- #177 - Upgraded commons-lang3 (3.8 instead of 3.7)
- #167 - Upgraded maven-javadoc-plugin (3.0.1 instead of 3.0.0)
- #168 - Upgraded maven-surefire-plugin (2.22.0 instead of 2.21.0)
- #169 - Upgraded maven-dependency-plugin (3.1.1 instead of 3.1.0)
- #173 - Upgraded maven-compiler-plugin (3.8.0 instead of 3.7.0)
- #174 - Upgraded maven-project-info-reports-plugin (3.0.0 instead of 2.9)
- #175 - Upgraded jacoco-maven-plugin (0.8.2 instead of 0.8.1)
- #170 - Upgraded owasp:dependency-check (3.3.1 instead of 3.1.2)
- #165 - Added some information to the MANIFEST.MF files : commit, buid timestamp
- #172 - All maven plugins have their version specified
- #179 - Transformed Debian packages documentation into markdown file
- Updating screenshots
Contrast-Finder v0.9.1
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
Thanks to @davidjr82 (PR #158)
- #152 - Upgraded SpringFramework (4.3.17 instead of 4.3.16)
- #160 - Upgraded spring--security (4.2.6 instead of 4.2.5)
- Delete old DockerFiles
Contrast-Finder v0.9.0
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
Thanks to:
- @ffoodd - Feature request #148
- @ArnaudDelafosse - Issue #136 and PR #143
- @davidjr82 - PR #157
New Features:
Contrast-Finder v0.8.6
Thanks to:
Outdated dependencies:
- #156 - Upgraded native2ascii-maven-plugin (2.0.1 instead of 2.0.0)
- #155 - Upgraded maven-dependency-plugin (3.1.0 instead of 3.0.2)
- #154 - Upgraded maven-surefire-plugin (2.21.0 instead of 2.20.1)
- #153 - Upgraded jacoco-maven-plugin (0.8.1 instead of 0.8.0)
- #151 - Upgraded spring--security (4.2.5 instead of 4.2.4)
- #150 - Upgraded owasp:dependency-check (3.1.2 instead of 3.1.1)
- #149 - Upgraded SpringFramework (4.3.16 instead of 4.3.14)
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
Outdated dependencies:
- #130 - Updated .jsp file, form tag: use "modelAttribute" instead of deprecated "commandName"
- #138 - Upgraded markdown-page-generator-plugin (2.1.0 instead of 2.0.1)
- #135 - Upgraded owasp:dependency-check (3.1.1 instead of 3.0.2)
- #137 - Upgraded spring-security (4.2.4 instead of 4.2.3)
- #139 - Upgraded javaee-web-api (8.0 instead of 7.0)
- #128 - Webapp: added "charset=UTF-8" HTTP header for css, js, txt, json and xml files
- #129 - Webapp: added custom HTTP error pages instead of Tomcat default pages
- #132 - Added new Docker image: pre-requisites_Alpine_tomcat-9
- #134 - Added new Docker image: pre-requisites_Debian_tomcat-9_jre9
- #127 - Webapp: added contribute.json file
- #133 - Webapp: allowed the HTTP header "Cache-Control: immutable" for asset files (css, js, png)
- Updated prerequisites and install documentation