Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
Outdated dependencies:
- #205 - Upgraded SpringFramework (4.3.23 instead of 4.3.21)
- #206 - Upgraded spring-security (4.2.12 instead of 4.2.10)
- #207 - Upgraded javaee-web-api (8.0.1 instead of 8.0)
- #208 - Upgraded jacoco-maven-plugin (0.8.3 instead of 0.8.2)
- #209 - Upgraded owasp dependency-check (5.0.0-M2 instead of 3.3.4)
- #210 - Upgraded maven-javadoc-plugin (3.1.0 instead of 3.0.1)
- #211 - Upgraded maven-surefire-plugin (3.0.0-M3 instead of 3.0.0-M1)
- #212 - Upgraded maven-jar-plugin (3.1.1 instead of 3.1.0)
- #214 - Upgraded commons-collections4 (4.3 instead of 4.2)
- updated the copyright date (.java and pom.xml files)
- updated xml files: adding license header + some missing xml declaration