This implementation is based on mmdetection3d v1.0 framework. Please refer to the original installation guide, including MinkowskiEngine installation.
Please refer to the original guide for basic usage examples and data preparation for scannet, sunrgbd, and s3dis.
To start pre-training, run train with 3DCNN backbone such as for TD3D:
./tools/ configs/point_gcc_3dcnn/ 4 --no-validate
To start pre-training, run train with PointNet backbone such as for VoteNet:
./tools/ configs/point_gcc_pointnet/ 4 --no-validate
To start fine-tuning, modify the load_from
field to your pretrain model path, and run train with VoteNet for object detection:
./tools/ configs/votenet/ 8
To start fine-tuning, modify the load_from
field to your pretrain model path, and run train with GroupFree3D for object detection:
./tools/ configs/groupfree3d/ 4
To start fine-tuning, modify the load_from
field to your pretrain model path, and run train with PointNet++(SSG) for semantic segmentation:
./tools/ configs/pointnet2/ 2
TR3D and TD3D
To start fine-tuning with TR3D and TD3D, please follow the official repo and modify the load_from
field to your pretrain model path in corresponding config file.