Contains all Serverbound(Client->Server) and Clientbound(Server->Client) Packets.
Packets in the Pumpkin protocol are organized by functionality and state.
: Contains definitions for serverbound packets.
: Contains definitions for clientbound packets.
Handshake: Always the first packet being send from the Client. This begins also determins the next state, usally to indicate if the player thans perform a Status Request, Join the Server or wants to be transfered.
Status: Indicates the Client wants to see a Status response (MOTD).
Login: The Login sequence. Indicates the Client wants to join to the Server
Config: A sequence of Configuration packets beining mostly send from the Server to the Client. (Features, Resource Pack, Server Links...)
Play: The final state which indicate the Player is now ready to Join in also used to handle all other Gameplay packets.
You can find all Minecraft Java packets at There you also can see in which State they are. You also can see all the information the Packets has which we can either Write or Read depending if its Serverbound or Clientbound
Adding a Packet is easy. First you have to dereive serde Serialize for Clientbound Packets or Deserialize for Serverbound packets.
Next you have set the packet id using the packet macro
Now you can create the Field. Please start the Packet name with "C" if its Clientbound and with "S" if its Serverbound. Example:
pub struct CPlayDisconnect {
reason: TextComponent,
more fields...
Also don't forgot to impl a new function for Clientbound Packets so we can actaully send then by putting in the values :D Example:
impl CPlayDisconnect {
pub fn new(reason: TextComponent) -> Self {
Self { reason }
At the End everything should come together, Thats a Clientbound Packet
pub struct CPlayDisconnect {
reason: TextComponent,
impl CPlayDisconnect {
pub fn new(reason: TextComponent) -> Self {
Self { reason }
Thats a Serverbound packet
pub struct CPlayDisconnect {
reason: TextComponent,
You can compare difference in Protocol on
in src/