The examples
folder contains an example script to simulate a CI/CD pipeline (except the final deployment).
The sample project is an API Manager stored in the YAML entity store format (examples/apim
The API Manager project uses environmentalized fields to enable stage specific configurations.
In this scenario there a two teams. The developers are responsible to develop the API Manager and to deploy the project for testing purpose in their own topology. The operator team is responsible to deploy the project to their topology (for test and prod). Both teams use the same tooling and an equivalent pipeline setup.
The difference between the two teams are the different responsibilities for configurations. For the developer topology, the developer team is fully responsible for all configurations as the infrastructure is completely managed by the developer team.
For the topology managed by the operator team, the development team is responsible for configurations regarding the backend infrastructure. The operator team is responsible for the configurations regarding the infrastructure managed by the operator team. This includes server certificates, Cassandra settings and connections to the metrics database.
The configuration can be retrieved from various sources, depending on the target environment.
To ensure that coding guidelines are fulfilled, the project is linted with rules provided by the operator team.
The example project is also used to demonstrate the usage of the different data sources, the full variation of the data sources may not makes sense for real projects. Following data sources are covered by the demo:
structure from multiple fragmentvalues.yaml
Java Keystore (JKS)
PKCS#12 file
simple configuration
Providers for value lookups
YAML file
JSON file
KeePass DB
plain text from environment variable
JSON document from environment variable
Axway API Gateway 7.7 May'22 release or later
Package & Deployment Tools
PolicyStudio (recommended)
API Gateway/Manager topology (optional)
$ git clone
$ cd yamles-utils
$ ./mvnw clean package
$ examples/cicd/bin/ - build and configure YAMLES archive
Usage: -e ENV [--debug]
-e ENV
Target environment (local, test or prod).
Enable debug messages
Configure API Manager for target environment and build
deployment archive.
$ export AXWAY_HOME="...path to Axway installation (e.g., /opt/Axway-7.7)..."
$ examples/cicd/bin/ -e test
On Windows, the script can be executed using Git Bash (MinGW). |