Releases: Azure/azure-kusto-node
Releases · Azure/azure-kusto-node
v4.0.3 - Fix vulnerability - jsonwebtoken
What's Changed
- Fix vulnerability - jsonwebtoken
v4.0.1 - Critical fix
- Fixed #221 - include missing file
Version 4.0.0
What's Changed
- [Breaking] Trusted endpoints - by default kusto will only connect to trusted endpoints
- Closeable clients, you can now free resources when you are done with a client
- Added Ignorefirstrecord ingestion property
- Quick start improvements
- Bump parse-url from 7.0.2 to 8.1.0
v3.4.2- Fixed bug that caused Ingestion Resources not to refresh
-Fixed bug with using the moment library that caused ingestion resources not to refresh.
v3.4.1 - client id bug fix
- Version 3.4.0 introduced a bug that caused the wrong client id to be sent in Managed Identity scenarios. This version fixes it, and the old version is deprecated.
v3.4.0 - Quick start app and various fixes
- Sample app - Bundled app to see and understand how ADX works
- Better gz temp file creation, ensure deletion when it's done
- Fixed Userprompt not working when ran two times in a row
- Change default authority to "organizations", should solve some authentication issues
- Fixed issue of resources not being parsed correctly in other clouds
- Fixed issue of "unknown authorities" for authentiation"
- Updated dependencies to avoid security issues
New Contributors
- @ronmonetaMicro made their first contribution in #197
Full Changelog: v3.3.2...v3.4.0
v3.3.2 - Bug fixes and improvements
What's Changed
- Use retry mechanism on potentially throttled operations. by @alonadam in #189
- Improve url parsing - supporting trailing slashes and port numbers by @AsafMah in #190
- Fixed ToJSON accidental mutation, causing servertimeout to be wrong by @AsafMah in #191
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.3.1...v3.3.2
v3.3.1 - Bug fix in lerna implementation
- Fixed bug in the package-lock.json file that caused the dependencies to be wrong.
v3.3.0 - Moving to lerna
What's Changed
- Moving to lerna - using lerna we are able to synchronize our dependcies and avoid issues like #185 and #184.
As a consequence, both packages (azure-kusto-data and azure-kusto-ingest) had been relocated to the "packages" directory,
And to bootstrap the project the command to run is nownpx lerna bootstrap --hoist
See and for more information.
Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.3.0