diff --git a/source/_docs/configuration/templating.markdown b/source/_docs/configuration/templating.markdown index 50fb0abf4ca7..c02fbb7f2a29 100644 --- a/source/_docs/configuration/templating.markdown +++ b/source/_docs/configuration/templating.markdown @@ -69,7 +69,9 @@ Home Assistant adds extensions to allow templates to access all of the current s - `is_state('device_tracker.paulus', 'home')` will test if the given entity is specified state. - `is_state_attr('device_tracker.paulus', 'battery', 40)` will test if the given entity is specified state. - `now()` will be rendered as current time in your time zone. + - For specific values: `now().second`, `now().minute`, `now().hour`, `now().day`, `now().month`, `now().year`, `now().weekday()` and `now().isoweekday()` - `utcnow()` will be rendered as UTC time. + - For specific values: `utcnow().second`, `utcnow().minute`, `utcnow().hour`, `utcnow().day`, `utcnow().month`, `utcnow().year`, `utcnow().weekday()` and `utcnow().isoweekday()`. - `as_timestamp()` will convert datetime object or string to UNIX timestamp - `distance()` will measure the distance in meters between home, entity, coordinates. - `closest()` will find the closest entity. @@ -89,6 +91,10 @@ Home Assistant adds extensions to allow templates to access all of the current s If your template uses an `entity_id` that begins with a number (example: `states.device_tracker.2008_gmc`) you must use a bracket syntax to avoid errors caused by rendering the `entity_id` improperly. In the example given, the correct syntax for the device tracker would be: `states.device_tracker['2008_gmc']`


+Rendering templates with time is dangerous as updates only trigger templates in sensors based on entity state changes. +

+ ## {% linkable_title Home Assistant template extensions %} In templates, besides the normal [state object methods and properties](/topics/state_object/), there are also some extra things available: