When contributing new code, please make sure your code is covered by respective tests.
The coverage is automatically evaluated and the tests will fail if you try to introduce changes which will reduce the coverage, compared to the main branch.
These are the conventions that you should follow when contributing to the repository. Some of them will be checked automatically during a pull request. Following these conventions will make code reviews much easier.
We use the Google docstring format without type hints in the string, since they will we added in the function header according to Python docs. Example:
def multiply_by_2(x : int) -> int:
This function multiplies a number by 2.
x: Parameter description
The product x * 2
return x * 2
class MyClass:
This class just contains two numbers.
attribute_1 (int): Description of Attribute 1
attribute_2 (float): Description of Attribute 2
i: First parameter of the init
x: Second parameter
def __init__(self, i : int, x : float = 3.14) -> None:
# Comments starting with "#" are not docstrings
# It's also possible to have a docstring with "Args"
# in the init instead of the class docstring, but
# you should only do one of both.
self.attribute_1 = i
self.attribute_2 = x
# Special case: Union type format in PEP 604
def add(a : int | float, b : int | float) -> int | float:
This function adds two numbers
a: A number
b: Another number
The sum of both numbers
return a + b
# None as default value requires a Union type
def optional(s : str | None = None) -> None:
This function prints a string
s: A string to be printed
print(s if s is not None else "No input provided")
The following docstring currently produces a bug in sphinx:
class MyClass:
attribute_1: Description of Attribute 1
attribute_2: Description of Attribute 2
attribute_1: int
attribute_2: float
Therefore, please don't use type annotations for class attributes, instead write them into the docstring. We will try to fix this.
We use black
(with line-length 119) and isort
(black profile) as automated formatters. On pull requests, this is automatically checked and you can only merge if your code passes the check. You can include both in a
pre-commit locally by executing
mamba install pre-commit
pre-commit install
which creates a hook in your local git repository that is called when a commit is executed.
This will work assuming you have black
and isort
installed in your environment. pre-commit
takes information from the .pre-commit-config.yaml
to know which actions to perform. The formatting rules for both tools are defined in pyproject.toml
Note: We may decide on slight variations in the code formatting. This will be mentioned here in the future.
You should always test if the api documentaion correctly renders the types, parameters, return values and attributes. This can be checked by building the documentation locally. Just run the following commands:
cd docs
make html
The index.html
file is now located in docs/_build/html/index.html
Please take note, this can generates or changes files in docs/api
. If so, commit and push them as well, since this is currently not included in your workflow and cannot be done automatically by readthedocs. The _build
directory is listed in the .gitignore
and should not be commited.