The content server currently stores many of the entities used in Decentraland. For example scenes, wearables and profiles. Content servers will automatically sync with each other, as long as they were all whitelisted by the DAO.
If you set up a local content server, it will receive all updates by those other whitelisted servers. However, new deployments that happen on your local server will not be sent to other servers.
Install libs
yarn install
Start the database
yarn bazel run content:db
Start the content server
yarn bazel run content:server
To connect to the database locally
docker exec -it postgres psql -U postgres -d content
There are many ways to configure the content server. You can provide these configurations when starting the server like this:
These are some of the more important configuration values:
Name | Description | Default |
ETH_NETWORK | Which Ethereum network you want to use. Usually is ropsten for testing or mainnet for production |
'ropsten' |
STORAGE_ROOT_FOLDER | Folder where all content will be stored | 'storage' |
SERVER_PORT | Port to be used by the service | 6969 |
LOG_LEVEL | Minimum log level | 'info' |
`yarn bazel run content:unit_test`
`yarn bazel run content:integration_test`