The Marketplace app relies on storing events from the Blockchain that we use as a cache. This not only enables faster querying, but also lets us provide an API used by multiple third party services, and gives us easy reporting.
For that purpose we created a process that we call "The Monitor" to listen, store and process relevant events from the contracts we are interested in.
There are certain conditions where the database can reach a state where the information stored is different from the Blockchain data.
These causes might be due, but not limited, to the following reasons:
- Ethereum nodes missing to report certain Events.
- Ethereum nodes losing peers and lagging behind.
- Reorgs that were not handled correctly.
- Problems in the infrastructure that make the monitor process to disconnect from the nodes.
- Any bug in any part of the architecture.
As of today there are two approaches to solve data sync problems.
The sanity check is a script that performs a number of Diagnosis about different conditions that might happen with the data (Parcels, Estates, Publications), it compares relevant contracs to the database, identifies differences and uses a number of Doctors to fix problems.
Example runs of the sanity check:
- Run in dry-run mode (read only - it will not perform any change):
npm run sanity-check
- Run in self-heal mode will try to fix problems:
npm run sanity-check -- --self-heal
- Run in self-heal mode but avoid Parcel and Publication checks:
run sanity-check -- --skip=Parcel,Publication --self-heal
Current options for --skip are Parcel
, Publication
and Estate
as comma-separated values.
A second more drastic approach is to fully refresh the database data from scratch deleting it's current state and re-fetching and processing all events from the Blockchain.
The recommended procedure to perform a full refresh is the following:
- Stop the monitor process:
sudo supervisorctl stop monitor
- Reset the current db data:
npm run cli delete-monitor-data
- Start the monitor process. As there is no data the latest block will be 0 and will process events from start:
sudo supervisorctl start monitor
- Follow progress of monitor using:
tail -f /var/log/monitor.out.log
When performing maintenance work it's suggested to disable the frontend by using a placeholder landing page for users to know that the site is not operational.
Execute the following steps from the app directory:
cd ./scripts/maintenance
./ down <s3-bucket> <cf-distribution-id>
Perform maintenance operations...
./ up <s3-bucket> <cf-distribution-id>
Note: You need proper permissions to the required AWS resources.