- Feature Rich
- Runs on node.js + the browser
- supports BDD(Behavior-Driven Development), TDD(Test-Driven Development)
- Supports Async and Promise
- Growl notifications
- Highlights slow tests
- File watcher supports
- Choose any assertion library
- Choose any Mocking library
- Optionally run tests that match a regexp
- For node + the browser
- Three assertions style
- should - foo.should.be.a('string')
- expect - expect(foo).to.be.a('string')
- assert - assert.typeOf(foo, 'string')
- Expects tests to be in <project_root>/test
- Allows of per project options file:
- mocha.opts
- To run test:
- mocha
- before()
- after()
- beforeEach()
- afterEach()
- Pending tests - no callback
- Exclusive tests - append .only
- Inclusive tests - append .skip
- mocha --reports
- mocha --watch
- mocha --growl
- mocha --compilers
- Interface supports for: TDD, BDD + QUnit
// first test
describe('Array', function() {
describe('#indexOf()', function() {