Event Behavior Updates & System User Events
Full Changelog: v7.12.1...v7.13.0
Event Behaviors
- In the editor only the associated behavior options will now be shown at any one time.
- Incrementing and accumulating behaviors now will work even without reward presets.
- Accumulating behavior will now use the first action set on first trigger.
System Events
- Input matched events now support regex matching.
- It is now possible to match events on users instead of input.
- Added a development tool to override all Discord webhooks with a single URL, this is ONLY meant to be used for a debug installation of the bot where you want to use a copy of your existing database and redirect all Discord output to a debug channel instead of the actual channels.
- Fix event counter resets not working if there were no reward presets for the event.
- Fix #14 by preventing save spamming.