Paper title:
Compressing DMA Engine: Leveraging Activation Sparsity for Training Deep Neural Networks
HPCA’ 18
Problem to solve:
Popular deep learning frameworks require users to fine-tune their memory usage so that the training data of a deep neural network (DNN) fits within the GPU physical memory. For large DNN models that use more memory than GPU has, prior work tries to virtualize the memory usage of DNNs, enabling both CPU and GPU memory to be utilized for memory allocations. However such virtualizing memory can incur significant performance overheads when the time needed to copy data back and forth from CPU memory is higher than the latency to perform DNN computations.
To compress the data transferred between GPU memory and CPU memory is a promising way to solve the problem, since it can speed up the data transfer with fix bandwidth.
Major contribution:
The paper’s goal is to develop a virtualization solution for DNN training that satisfies both memory-scalability and high performance. The main contribution is as follow:
Presenting a compressing DMA engine (cDMA), a general-purpose DMA architecture for GPUs that alleviates PCIe bottlenecks by reducing the size of the data structures copied in and out of GPU memory.
Several compressing algorithms are discussed and evaluated in different networks..
When training DNN, each layer’s activations must be stored for backward propagation. The widely used ReLU activation function make such activations sparse, i.e. contain lots of zero, making it possible to be compressed. First, the proposed cDMA requests the memory controller to fetch data from the GPU memory at a high enough rate (i.e., effective PCIe bandwidth × compression ratio) so that the compressed data can be generated at a throughput commensurate with the PCIe bandwidth. The cDMA copy-engine then initiates an on-the-fly compression operation on that data, streaming out the final compressed data to the CPU memory over PCIe. When fetching data from CPU memory to GPU memory, the decompression is done on-the-fly too.
Run-length encoding compression, zero-value compression which only stores non-zero values in a batch of activation with corresponding mask, and Zlib compression which is of great performance and great complexity, are evaluated in AlexNet, OverFeat, NiN, VGG, SqueezeNet and GoogLeNet, and showing impressive compression rate, offering an average 2.6× (maximum 13.8×) savings in data movement on the CPU–GPU communication link.
Lessons learnt:
The sparsity of activations can be further explored, relating works exist from pruning to compression.
This paper focus on large DNNs training, which make using CPU memory reasonable.