Releases: BSData/adeptus-titanicus
Some weapon updates and corrections
Big thanks to DiverCraig with the help on this one
In which structure was finally removed, and there was great rejoicing.
Gryphonicus, Honorum, and Solaria Fixes! Go fly a VOLKITE
Thanks to MILA and ILUMINATI for their amazing work on this release.
We're looking to clean up the Gryphonicus Swap, but for now you can add them with the Maniple Level Menu. We know it sucks, and we want something better. sooon.
Some Wargear updates too
All the references are will actually get you the right page in the right book.
Ride the Lightning! All LL Wargear and Strats! Plus Princeps Traits
Also A few bug fixes and war hound squadrons removed. V30 on your device
Loyalist Legios! WHAT!?! Wargear incoming.....
Hey we finally got a massive update out!!
The new roadmap will be to fill in Loyalist Legios in the current form, then we have plans to refactor the code from ground up that'll we'll release as version 10.
...wherein we blow up Households again...
... but hopefully get it right this time.
Household Bugfixes
Princeps Traits
Merge pull request #100 from BSData/princeps-seniores-legio-traits Princeps seniores legio traits, UI tweak for Knightly Qualities.
Stratagem Cleanup, Initial Princeps Seniores Function
Really working Households.
Merge pull request #83 from BSData/households-again-again Re-tested again. Can open existing Household and Battlegroup rosters,…