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DEVOPS TOOLING WEBSITE SOLUTION (COMPREHENSIVE AWS SOLUTION): Infrastructure, Webserver, Database, Storage (NFS), and Programming Components

In this project, we will design and deploy a comprehensive solution using Amazon Web Services (AWS), integrating a range of vital components to create a cohesive and high-performing system. The key elements of our solution include:

  • Infrastructure: Leveraging the capabilities of AWS to establish a robust and scalable foundation for our project.

  • Webserver Linux: Deploying three instances of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 AMI on EC2 to build a reliable and responsive web server environment.

  • Database Server: Setting up a MySQL database server on Ubuntu 20.04 to manage data storage and retrieval efficiently.

  • Storage Server (NFS): Incorporating a dedicated storage server using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and NFS Server technology, enabling seamless file sharing and data accessibility.

  • Programming Language: Utilizing PHP as the primary programming language to develop dynamic and interactive web applications, enhancing user engagement and interactivity.

  • Code Repository: Managing our project's source code efficiently through GitHub, ensuring version control and collaboration.

This project represents a holistic approach to system design, implementation, and management, utilizing AWS and incorporating critical components such as web servers, databases, storage (NFS), and programming, all united to deliver a unified and efficient solution.

  • The architecture below shows a common pattern where several stateless Web Servers share a common database and also access the same files using Network File Sytem (NFS) as a shared file storage. Even though the NFS server might be located on a completely separate hardware – for Web Servers it look like a local file system from where they can serve the same files.



  • Spin up a new EC2 instance with RHEL Linux 8 Operating System
  • Configure LVM on the server
  • Format the logical volumes as an xfs filesystem
  • Create 3 Logical Volumes: lv-opt lv-apps, and lv-logs
  • Create mount points on /mnt directory for the logical volumes as follow:
  • Mount lv-apps on /mnt/apps – To be used by webservers
  • Mount lv-logs on /mnt/logs – To be used by webserver logs
  • Mount lv-opt on /mnt/opt – To be used by Jenkins server in the next project.


  • Install NFS server, configure it to start on reboot and make sure it is up and running
sudo yum -y update
sudo yum install nfs-utils -y
sudo systemctl start nfs-server.service
sudo systemctl enable nfs-server.service
sudo systemctl status nfs-server.service

  • Configure NFS to allow access to clients within the same subnet CIDR
sudo vi /etc/exports

/mnt/apps <Subnet-CIDR>(rw,sync,no_all_squash,no_root_squash)
/mnt/logs <Subnet-CIDR>(rw,sync,no_all_squash,no_root_squash)
/mnt/opt <Subnet-CIDR>(rw,sync,no_all_squash,no_root_squash)

  • Run the exportfs command which makes local directories available for Network File System (NFS) clients to mount. It uses information in the '/etc/exports' file to export one or more directories, which must be specified with full path names. sudo exportfs -arv


  • Check which port is used by NFS and open it by editing inbound rules of the security group.

rpcinfo -p | grep nfs

nfs port

NOTE: In order for NFS server to be accessible from your client, you must also open following ports: TCP 111, UDP 111, UDP 2049.

sg nfs


  • Configure a MySQL DBMS to work with remote Web Server
  • Install MySQL server
  • Create a database and name it 'tooling'
  • Create a database user and name it 'webaccess'
  • Grant permission to 'webaccess' user on 'tooling' database to do anything only from the webservers subnet cidr.


  • We want to ensure that our Web Servers can serve the same content from shared storage solutions, in this case – NFS Server and MySQL database.
  • For storing shared files that our Web Servers will use, we will utilize NFS and mount previously created Logical Volume lv-apps to the folder where Apache stores files to be served to the users (/var/www).
  • This approach will make our Web Servers stateless, which means we will be able to add new ones or remove them whenever we need, and the integrity of the data (in the database and on NFS) will be preserved.

In the next steps, we shall do the following:

  • Configure NFS client (this step must be done on all three servers).
  • Deploy a Tooling application to our Web Servers into a shared NFS folder.
  • Configure the Web Servers to work with a single MySQL database.
  • Launch a new EC2 instance with RHEL 8 Operating System

  • Install NFS client

sudo yum install nfs-utils nfs4-acl-tools -y

  • Mount /var/www/ and /var/log/httpd/access_logs and target the NFS server’s export for apps as well as for logs.
sudo mkdir /var/www 
  • I mounted directly by running sudo mount -a after editing the entries in the '/etc/fstab' file to include the NFS server's export for apps and logs.

<NFS-Server-Private-IP-Address>:/mnt/apps /var/www nfs defaults 0 0

fstab entries

  • Verify that NFS was mounted successfully by running mount

show mount

  • Install 'Remi repository' ( provides the latest versions of the PHP stack, full featured, and some other software, to the Fedora and Enterprise Linux users), APACHE and PHP.
sudo yum install httpd -y

sudo dnf install

sudo dnf install dnf-utils

sudo dnf module reset php

sudo dnf module enable php:remi-7.4

sudo dnf install php php-opcache php-gd php-curl php-mysqlnd

sudo systemctl start php-fpm

sudo systemctl enable php-fpm

setsebool -P httpd_execmem 1

Repeat the above steps in 'STEP 3' for another two ec2 instances.

  • Verify that Apache files and directories are available on the Web Server in /var/www and also on the NFS server in /mnt/apps.
  • If you see the same files, it means NFS is mounted correctly.

  • Create a new file touch test.txt from one server and check if the same file is accessible from other Web Servers.

  • Locate the log folder for Apache on the Web Server (Default access log file location for RHEL is /var/log/httpd/access_log) and mount it to NFS server’s export for logs. Persist the mount by adding entry into /etc/fstab file.

CHALLENGE: After mounting on the /var/log/httpd directory, I observed that my apache2 won't restart as it didnt have access to the default 'access_log' and error_log file in the /var/log/httpd directory. As such, I unmounted and created another directory 'access_logs' wherein I mounted NFS exports for logs.

  • clone the repository to your workstation
sudo yum install git
git init
git clone
cd tooling

tooling ss

  • Deploy the tooling website’s code to the Webserver. Ensure that the html folder from the repository is deployed to /var/www/html.
  • move the content of the /html directory in the tooling folder to /var/www/html.

html ss

  • NOTE 1: Do not forget to open TCP port 80 on the Web Server.

  • NOTE 2: If you encounter 403 Error, check permissions to your /var/www/html folder and also disable SELinux sudo setenforce 0.

  • To make this change permanent,open following config file sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux and set SELINUX=disabled,then restart httpd.

  • Ensure the database server allows remote access by editing the bind address in '/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf'

  • Create in MySQL, a new admin user with username: myuser and password: password:

INSERT INTO ‘users’ (‘id’, ‘username’, ‘password’, ’email’, ‘user_type’, ‘status’) VALUES
-> (1, ‘myuser’, ‘5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99’, ‘[email protected]’, ‘admin’, ‘1’);

  • Update the website’s configuration to connect to the database (in /var/www/html/functions.php file).

  • On the web server, install mysql client and connect to the database server.

  • Apply tooling-db.sql script to your database using this command mysql -h <database-private-ip> -u <db-username> -p <db-pasword> < tooling-db.sql.
  • Open the website in your browser
  • Make sure you can login into the website with myuser user.


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