最佳实践指南的这一部分讨论了在 chart 中使用标签和注释的最佳做法。
- Kubernetes 使用它来识别此资源
- 为了查询系统目的,向操作员暴露是非常有用的。
例如,我们建议使用 helm.sh/chart: NAME-VERSION
标签作为标签,以便操作员可以方便地查找要使用的特定 chart 的所有实例。
Helm hook 总是注释。
下表定义了 Helm chart 使用的通用标签。Helm 本身从不要求特定的标签。标记为 REC 的标签是表示推荐的,应放置在 chart 上以保持全局一致性。那些标记 OPT 是表示可选的。这些都是惯用的或通常使用的,但不是经常用于运维目的。
名称 | 状态 | 描述 |
app.kubernetes.io/name |
REC | This should be the app name, reflecting the entire app. Usually {{ template "name" . }} is used for this. This is used by many Kubernetes manifests, and is not Helm-specific. |
helm.sh/chart |
REC | This should be the chart name and version: `{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version |
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by |
REC | This should always be set to {{ .Release.Service }} . It is for finding all things managed by Tiller. |
app.kubernetes.io/instance |
REC | This should be the {{ .Release.Name }} . It aid in differentiating between different instances of the same application. |
app.kubernetes.io/version |
OPT | The version of the app and can be set to {{ .Chart.AppVersion }} . |
app.kubernetes.io/component |
OPT | This is a common label for marking the different roles that pieces may play in an application. For example, app.kubernetes.io/component: frontend . |
app.kubernetes.io/part-of |
OPT | When multiple charts or pieces of software are used together to make one application. For example, application software and a database to produce a website. This can be set to the top level application being supported. |
获取更多关于 app.kubernetes.io
前缀的 Kubernetes labels 的信息 Kubernetes documentation