These instructions continue from:
Please be sure you have completed those steps before continuing here.
- you should see only one account, the one that you created in step 5.1
6.2) pocket accounts set-validator <address from 6.1 above>
+ Passphrase
! emptyaddress
7.1) vi .pocket/config/chains.json
- insert the text below:
- Change for the IPs of the full nodes which will provide relays
"id": "0001",
"url": ""
"id": "0021",
"url": ""
- If Pocket is currently running... Stop it
8.1) pocket start --simulateRelay
8.2) Ethereum Relay Test:
- (replace "" with the URL of your Pocket Validator Node)
- (replace "" with the IP of an Ethereum Full Node that will accept RPCs) [[8545 = geth default port]]
curl -X POST --data '{"relay_network_id":"0021","payload":{"data":"{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"eth_getBalance\",\"params\":[\"0xe7a24E61b2ec77d3663ec785d1110688d2A32ecc\", \"latest\"],\"id\":1}","method":"POST","path":"","headers":{}}}'
+ produces {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "result": "0x0"} if successful
8.3) Pocket Relay Test
- (replace "" with the URL of your Pocket Validator Node [[port 8081 or 443]])
- (replae "" with the IP of a Pocket Full Node that will accept RPCs) [[ 8081=self? 8082 other? ]]
curl --insecure -X POST --data '{"relay_network_id":"0001","payload":{"data":"{}","method":"POST","path":"v1/query/nodes","headers":{}}}'
+ produces a massive wall of text if successful
8.4) Stop the node control-C
You have two options:
1.) copy it up using an FTP program such as filezilla.
2.) Create it on the server using “vi” and copy/paste the contents from your local device.
- This document will assume you are using option 2.
- If you have already copied up the file using another method, skip to 9.2
9.1) vi .pocket/config/keyfile.json
9.1.1) Open the secure keyfile on your PC with any text editor and copy the entire contents of that file.
9.1.2) Paste those contents into the keyfile.json which you are currently editing on the server.
9.1.3) save the file.
@@ NOTE: we are using the path .pocket/config for convenience and consistency… @@
@@ it does not have to be in that specific directory nor have that specific name. @@
9.2) pocket accounts import-armored .pocket/config/keyfile.json
!<<EnterYourPassphrase>> again
+ Account imported successfully [LongStringOfLettersAndNumbers]
- This is your Validator-Address to be used below and for future refrence
10.1) pocket accounts set-validator < Validator-Address >
- if you are using funds from the genesis block, you are already staked.
- Skip to step 12
11.1) Building the stake commad..
@@ Step 11 is still under construction @@
- pocket nodes stake <fromAddr> <amount in uPOKT> <chains> <serviceURI w/ rpc port> <chainID> <fees in Upokt>
- sample:
! pocket nodes stake <Validator/Staking Address> 15140000000 0001,0021 https://yourDomainName:443 testnet 10000
+ passphrase
- successfull output looks similar to:
+ "raw_log": "[{\"msg_index\":0,\"success\":true,\"log\":\"\",\"events\":
+ [{\"type\":\"message\",\"attributes\":[{\"key\":\"action\",\"value\":\"stake_validator\"}]}]}]",
+ "txhash": "C1F1283D7E9098FC4D95F2CCFAE5547789ACB87E404BB3BF0AC56E6C721E3E77"}
- The staking transaction will not take effect until a block has been added...
- wait, up to 15 minutes.
- confirm staking was successfull with:
! pocket query node < validator address >
- working response should include the line:
+ "jailed": false,
@@ refer to the instructions at the official Pocket developers web-site @@
- change "<validator address>" to the actual Validator address from 10.1
12.1 ) pocket nodes unjail < validator address > mainnet 10000
+ passphrase
! enter passphrase
- may fail [code: 4 ] don’t panic.. try again go to 12.1
- may take several attempts (6 is my personal record :-) /
- Not sure if this is a timing error or network instability.
- successful response ends with json output similar too
+ "raw_log": "[{\"msg_index\":0,\"success\":true,\"log\":\"\",\"events\":[{\"type\":\"message\",\"attributes\":[{\"key\":\"action\",\"value\":\"unjail_validator\"}]}]}]",
+ "txhash": "4EBA2A29D2CB09AFCB084BF988743092BEF912B5DD6E5D50A4A941522A05946C"
12.2 Verify that you have been let out of jail
pocket query node < validator address >
- requires a block confirmation before success...could take up to 15 minutes
- when successful output contains...
+ "jailed": false,
let’s remove the secure keyfile that we created or uploaded earlier…
No point in leaving it there (it’s encrypted but still, better safe than sorry)
13.1) rm .pocket/config/keyfile.json
(( no output ))