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Initial Gateway setup

From an empty system install the following onto gateway:

apt install ansible ssh-askpass git tmux
git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive

git config --global "Ben Greene"
git config --global "[email protected]"

ssh [email protected]

ansible gateway -m ping -u dietpi -k
ansible-playbook ansible-initial-config.yaml -l gateway -kKb

ansible-playbook gateway.yaml

apt install dnsutils less net-tools

Update routing rules:

    route add -net gw
    route del -net gw
    route del -net gw
    route -n

Read this guide or via k3s

Traefik Route forwarding

Add Metallb to the deployment. And configure it to use IPAddressPool and L2Advertisement Then add a route from the dns name to the IP Address allocated for the Ingress (eg Traefik)

Then check the configuration of Traefik LoadBalancer to confirm it is got the annotation pointing to the default IP Pool default

Reinistall Servers

MAC addreses: dc:a6:32:6f:e6:6e dc:a6:32:55:76:33 dc:a6:32:48:4c:eb e4:5f:01:c3:04:44

BUT we need serial numbers for RPI booting

for id in 614aa1e0 054f967f 6d646ef9 6910acfb; do
    gateway imaging create ${id}
gateway imaging get

Clear SSH certs from existing nodes

ssh-keygen -R k8s100
ssh-keygen -R k8s100.k8s
ssh-keygen -R
ssh-keygen -R k8s101
ssh-keygen -R k8s101.k8s
ssh-keygen -R
ssh-keygen -R k8s102
ssh-keygen -R k8s102.k8s
ssh-keygen -R
ssh-keygen -R k8s103
ssh-keygen -R k8s103.k8s
ssh-keygen -R

ssh-keyscan -H k8s100 >>~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-keyscan -H k8s100.k8s >>~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-keyscan -H k8s101 >>~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-keyscan -H k8s101.k8s >>~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-keyscan -H k8s102 >>~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-keyscan -H k8s102.k8s >>~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-keyscan -H k8s103 >>~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-keyscan -H k8s103.k8s >>~/.ssh/known_hosts

ssh dietpi@k8s100
ssh dietpi@k8s101
ssh dietpi@k8s102
ssh dietpi@k8s103

#ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' dietpi@k8s100 cat /etc/ssh/ >>~/.ssh/known_hosts
#ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' dietpi@k8s101 cat /etc/ssh/ >>~/.ssh/known_hosts
#ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' dietpi@k8s102 cat /etc/ssh/ >>~/.ssh/known_hosts

Add Clients

For x86_64 client does nto have python installed as default. So need to install that before we can use ansible.

apt install python3

add the nodes to the hosts file on the gateway at /etc/ansible/hosts or can just be in the hosts file in this dir if the /etc/ansible/hosts does not exist

Manually log into each client to set the ssh keys

ansible k8s -m ping -k -e "ansible_ssh_user=dietpi"
ansible-playbook ansible-initial-config.yaml -l k8s -kKb -e "ansible_ssh_user=dietpi"

or with updated ssh keys

ansible k8s -m ping -e "ansible_ssh_user=dietpi"
ansible-playbook ansible-initial-config.yaml -l k8s -e "ansible_ssh_user=dietpi"

When first adding a computer: Add the user you want to initially log into the system (e.g. ben.greene) add ben.greene to sudoers group

Then follow this command where samspi is the hostname (found in hosts file)

ansible-playbook ansible-initial-config.yaml -l samspi -kKb
ansible-playbook ansible-initial-config.yaml -l k8sclient -kKb

after reimaging you will need to clear the old host key and then get a new host key

ssh-keygen -f "/home/ben.greene/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "k8s100"
ssh-keygen -f "/home/ben.greene/.ssh/known_hosts" -R ""
ssh [email protected]

Initial ping to nodes (using dietpi to login). Then setup ansible user

ansible k8sclient -m ping -u dietpi -k
ansible-playbook ansible-initial-config.yaml -l k8s -kb -u dietpi

Run the k8sclient playbook

ansible-playbook k8s.yaml

Follow the status of a service

journalctl -f -u pyfan

Setup roles for Gateway

The gateway server is responsible for managing nodes in the Cluster. Ensuring they can boot and re-imaging when necessary.

Run the playbook for gateway

ansible-playbook gateway.yaml


Setup the VLAN system with correct setting of ethernet to access via vlan tag


Setup dnsmasq to manage boot from DHCP into PXE system. Also provides working IP addresses for nodes


Enabling routing of the traffic to allwo the client nodes to access the network properly


An ramdisk image to carry out imaging tasks on the client nodes. The initrd and configs are setup in a special directory inside the tftpboot dir that is then linked to when imaging is required.

Gateway server

An http server to manage imaging process and other tasks

Commands to run

curl -X POST --data '{"serialNumber":"054f967f"}' http://localhost:8080/imaging/

Reset k8s nodes

Reset all kubeadm reset -f rm -rf /etc/cni/net.d/* iptables -F && iptables -t nat -F && iptables -t mangle -F && iptables -X Reset master


Things to do