- [Bug] Fixed that offlinequiz was not compatible with Moodle 4.0.0 to 4.0.3
- [Feature] Compatible Version for Moodle 4.0
- [Feature] It is now possible to change the question version, even after the documents are created
- [Feature] New activity overview page when coming in to offlinequiz
- [Feature] changing a question directly in offlinequiz results in a recalculation of all the grades in that group
- [Feature] sub-navigation changed so it fits to the new moodle standard
- [Bug] Fix PHP 8.0 incompabilities
- [Bug] Date of test used instead of review start used for calendar
- [Bug] Wrong language string for "group" was used in all questionsheets (pdf, LaTeX and docx)
- [Bug] Fixed a bug that special html characters would break docx documents
- [Feature] Autocompletion rules from quiz: grade and passing grade as well as view have been added.
- [Bug] Fix privacy provider if there are multiple users in an offlinequiz context. [github pull #157 @micaherne]
- [Bug] Heading consistency: Every page has a heading before the tabs.
- [Feature] Question sheet: Latex question sheet now shows activityname instead of coursename, both variables are still possible.
- [Bug] CLI execution on another server than the cron server is now possible again.
- [Bug] Non-breaking spaces are now possible to use in docx documents.
- [Bug] Removed deprecation message on the statistics page.
- [Bug] The edit page for the questions looks much nicer and without any strange artifacts.
- [Feature] Solve version confusion with 3.11.0 and 3.10.1
- [Feature] Compatible Version for Moodle 3.11
- [Bug] Fix privacy bug for people using integer-idnumber
- [Feature] Compatible Version for Moodle 3.10
- [Feature] Support for all kinds of special characters in pdf/docx/LaTeX documents.
- [Feature] Deleted table offlinequiz_attempts, which wasn't used since moodle/offlinequiz 2.0.
- [Feature] Support of superscript and subscript in docx documents.
- [Feature] Support of "<" and ">" in LaTeX documents.
- [Bug] Changed css so it doesn't interfere with quiz anymore.
- [Feature] Offlinequiz now recognizes, if there are multiple users with a given idnumber. It will choose the one in the course. Otherwise it will throw an error.
- [Feature] Rewrote some of the privacy lang strings to make them more clear.
- [Bug] Fixed a long existing bug with offlinequiz not using the right temp folder which leads to errors when setting localcache-directory in config.php.
- [Bug] Fixed a bug that not all questions were shown in question statistics
- [Feature] Moodle 3.8 compatible Version
- [Feature] Updated PDFWord version to 0.17.0
- [Feature] Moodle 3.7 compatible Version
- [Feature] #6046 changed the place of reviewoptions to be more accurate
- [Bug] #6166 deletion of hotspots and old temp-files has not been done, now done by an own task
- [Feature] #6038 export results as printable html for face to face review
- [Feature] #6125 support of the plugin editdates
- [Bug] #6047 question tagging now works properly as in quiz
- [Feature] #4375 extended information about review options in offlinequiz
- [Bug] #6054, github issue #79: fixed that only students could be enroled into courses
- [Bug] #6115, github issue #81: fixed a couple of problems with oracle databases.
- added information about imagemagick in the README.md
- fixed broken image links in 'show student view' popup
- fixed a performance bug for upgrading big moodle-instances to 3.6.0. If you already upgraded to 3.6.0 this fix will not affect you at all.
- fixed a spacing issue in the statistics tab for choosing groups
- fixed a missing langstring ('questionpage')
- fixed a wrong hardcoded prefix in the offlinequiz plugin
- fixed an upgrade-query not working on certain databases
- added the userlist_provider feature
- Moodle 3.6 compatible Version
- added an experimental way to evaluate answer sheets. This is the new way, but don't use it in production systems
- Icon for adding questions was not visible.
- Privacy-API changes for moodle 3.6
- return to default group if chosen in the statistics menu
- fixed an evaluation error for big zip file uploads
- Bugfix: Questions can not be sorted
- Fixed a bug, where the update of scanned pages lead to wrong results with "missing pages", even though there is only one page in the test
- fixed a bug where under certain circumstances at the result download the grade was not correct.
- Moodle 3.5 compatible version
- introduced privacy API
- partial results are displayed by default in the result table
- added possibility to upload pdf files
- changed the way how LaTeX-Question sheets work. It should now support almost every question that is written in the moodle editor
- export of results now has the column "letter"
- fixed an error for the calender-plugin where the report-appointment was displayed for all the days
- fixed an error, where under certain condition the field id_digits was missing.
- latex-document supports double-$ as begin-tag for formulas in new line
- latex-document supports underline, bold and italic texts
- new option for alignment of latex-questions in pdf-files
- additional index for tables page_corners and scanned_page
- Moodle 3.3 compatible version
- Official support of boost Theme
- Offlinequizzes are now searchable through the moodle search
- Multiple little bugfixes
- Moodle 3.2 compatible version
- First release for Moodle 3.1
- First release for Moodle 3.0
- First release for Moodle 2.9
- First release for Moodle 2.8
- First release for Moodle 2.7
- First release for Moodle 2.6