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Repository files navigation


on GitHub

Utility program which:

  1. Retrieves complete repository configuration for one or more repos.
  2. Compares and returns differences in configuration between 2 repos.
  3. Creates a new repository, copying the configuration and content of a template repository

The application can be run as a REST service or a command line application.

Try it out on Heroku

Repo-copy is running on Heroku:

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo-copy repo
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run the server or the command line application with appropriate parameters (see below)
  4. If using the command line interface, set an environment variable called GH_PAT equal to your properly scoped GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT).

$ export GH_PAT=<your token>


Repo-copy uses the DEBUG library. There are three scopes, each with 3 sub-scopes.
Just set the DEBUG environment variable to include the scopes for which you want logging/debugging info.

Scope Description
Repo The server, index.js
repoCreator The module that handles creating repos, repoCreator.js
repoGetter The module that handles retrieving repo configuration info, repoGetter.js

The three sub-scopes are:

Sub-Scope Description
appDebug Debugging output
appError Error output
appOutput Command output, generally should leave this on

For example, to enable just application output:

To add debugging info from repoGetter.js:

To add everything:

Running as a server

To start the server:

  1. cd to the repo-copy project directory.
  2. Run start-server

start-server takes an optional parameter, PORT. Otherwise the server will listen on the default port, 3000.

NOTE: package.json includes the appropriate entries in the bin section that should install the start-server command on your machine after you run npm install. Unfortunately it doesn't work reliably in my environment, probably due to node configuration wierdness. So if the native command doesn't work, just use node:

node createRepocontroller.js <port>

See REST API for information on making REST calls to the server.


Use the Authorization header with your GitHub PAT to authenticate to GitHub.

Running on the command line

Assuming npm install worked as advertised, you can run repo-copy on the command line using the repo-copy command. If not, run the shim using node:

node cli.js <args>


Arguments will vary depending on the mode you're using.

Alias Name type values Desc
-t --templateURL url URL for the repository to copy or retrieve configuration info for.
-c --compareRepoURL url URL to compare to templateURL
-m --mode string get,audit,create get - return configuration data
create - use configuration of templateURL to create a new repository
audit - Return configuration differences between the templateURL and compareRepoURL
-n --targetRepoName String mode=create only. Name of the repo to be created
-o --targetRepoOwner String mode=create only. Owner (org) of the repo to be created
-h --help Display help
-k --tokens array mode=create only. List of key/value pairs, used to substitute values for tokens in template repository content copied into a new repository. Not implemented for CI

NOTE: Tokens are not yet supported on the command line.


  1. Retrieve repository configuration information

$ node cli.js -m get -t

  1. Create a new repository copying the configuration of a template repository

$ node cli.js -m create -t -n myNewRepo -o myOtherOrg

  1. Retrieve a list of configuration differences between 2 repositories

$ node cli.js -m audit -t -n myCompareRepo -o myCompareOrg


There are three endpoints in the repo-copy REST API:

  1. POST /getRepoConfig - Return configuration for one ore more repositories.
  2. POST /repoAudit - Return configuration differences between two repositories.
  3. POST /createRepo - Create a new repository based on the configuration of a template repository

REST: getRepoConfig

The getRepoConfig endpoint takes an array of one or more URLs [ {"URL":""} {"URL":""} ]

The response contains a JSON model of the repositories configuration. This is more complete than that available using either the GitHub v3 or v4 APIs. Currently the configuration returned contains the following elements

Element Desc
repo General repository information
tree The content tree of the repository (/refs/head/master)
users Users assigned access to the repository, and their permissions
teams Teams assigned permissions in the repository
branches Repository branches, with protection configuration
hooks Repository webhooks
labels Repository labels
topics Topics assigned to the repository
errors Non-fatal errors which occurred during configuration retrieval

REST: repoAudit

The repoAudit endpoint takes an array of two URLs. The first is the template repository, the second is the comparison repository.

[ {"URL":""} {"URL":""} ]

The response returns an array containing the elements in the JSON configuration which differ, as well as a description of the differences. Differences are generated by deep-diff which can detect changes in both data and structure.

"msg": {
        "diffs": [
                "type": "Different values",
                "path": "repo/name/"
                "type": "Different values",
                "path": "repo/description/"
                "type": "Array change",
                "path": "tree/tree/"
                "type": "Array change",
                "path": "tree/tree/"
                "type": "Array change",
                "path": "tree/tree/"

REST: createRepo

The createRepo endpoint creates a new repository with the same configuration and content as the specified template repository. If the optional tokens argument is supplied, all matching tokens in content in the template repository will be replaced by their corresponding values before being copied into the new repository. The token format to use in template content is <token>.

	,"tokens": [
    ["customer", "My Customer"],
    ["PRP", "Bryan Cross"],
    ["PRPEmail", "[email protected]"],
    ["PRPGitHubID", "@bryancross"],
    ["CustomerLogoURL", ""]

This is a fake line


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