1.2.0 (2021-09-08)
- Prep for standalone notarized build (1d0a1f1)
1.1.2 (2021-03-29)
- null ref when not using GUI and trying to update progress (c4cd0d0)
1.1.1 (2021-03-25)
1.1.0 (2021-03-25)
- file browser on mac build (a8059a8)
- linked up samples in viewer scene (27b9a87)
- parent rotation (65cfed4)
- rehid ui (a6ced66)
- removed addressables dependency and started cleaning up project (1cb513d)
- Removed h5 from python conversion scripts (a5f7ed0)
- renaming pointlight to joint (starting) (5798d73)
- Rotating characters now works correctly (c1b8515)
- updated gitignore (9950b60)
- updated UI on load screen to remove mention of h5 (5984887)
- added ability to set display options from player (b4906f2)
- added cdocs for customizing settings (3c98368)
- added docs, cleaned up customs setting asset creation (166785d)
- added poster and other docs (e4caad7)
- added samples as addressables, and refactored file loading to be async (960e3dd)
- can now load animations from a folder without picking a list file. Will just play all json and h5 (9f28c90)
- can toggle ui, minor cleanup (d6bd084)
- Cusomizing settings API cleanup, and associated docs (4b8b129)
- made animation loader static method (2462047)
- Major docs improvements, and fixed keyboard camera freezing. (e9e4821)
- Major website updates, cleaning up python conversion scripts (9387218)
1.0.1 (2021-02-25)
- Correctly adopts different colors and sizes for bones and joints (7f63ad0)
- freeze camera button works, and fixed camera controls when camera window open (1a99a20)
- point light display and bone display (46c280c)
- possible fix for empty console error (e3e282b)
- updated camera controls freeze (a1f94b1)
- made UI start. off, worked on renaming from MoSH (9bd35a4)
- Preparing for release (5db2bab)
- renamed point lights to joints for clairty (7b8be2b)
- updated hd5 for mac better compatibility (80bbd27)
- Updated review canvas size, and some minor ui tweaks (aa708fe)
- freeze camera button works, and fixed camera controls when camera window open (1a99a20)
- point light display and bone display (46c280c)
- possible fix for empty console error (e3e282b)
- updated camera controls freeze (a1f94b1)
- made UI start. off, worked on renaming from MoSH (9bd35a4)
- Preparing for release (5db2bab)
- renamed point lights to joints for clairty (7b8be2b)
- updated hd5 for mac better compatibility (80bbd27)
- Updated review canvas size, and some minor ui tweaks (aa708fe)