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Evan edited this page May 15, 2016 · 5 revisions
Short Argument Input (example) Explanation
-cfg --config Location of cfg (default.cfg) Location of custom configuration file
-dry --dryrun N/A Make pretend orders
-clrrenew --clearautorenew N/A Stops all autorenew orders
-setrenew --setautorenew N/A Sets all orders to autorenew
-key --apikey API key (XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX) Account API key, should be unique to this script.
-secret --apisecret API secret (128 random characters) Account API secret, should be unique to this script.
-sleepactive --sleeptimeactive Seconds (60) Time to pause between active iterations
-sleepinactive --sleeptimeinactive Seconds (300) Time to pause between inactive iterations
-minrate --mindailyrate Percentage without % (.04) Minimum rate you will lend at
-maxrate --maxdailyrate Percentage without % (2) Maximum rate you will lend at
-spread --spreadlend Amount of orders (3) Amount of orders to split your lending into
-gapbot --gapbottom Percentage without % (10) Percentage of your order's volume into the ledger before you place your first order. Avoids dust creating low lends.
-gaptop --gaptop Percentage without % (200) Percentage of your order's volume into the ledger before you place your last order. Order is split (-spread) times between this gap.
-60day --sixtydaythreshold Percentage without % (.2) Rate at where bot will request to lend for 60 days
-autorenew --autorenew N/A Sets autorenew on bot stop, and clears autorenew on start
-json --jsonfile Location of json (www/botlog.json) Location of .json file to save log to
-jsonsize --jsonlogsize Amount of lines (200) How many lines to keep saved to the json log file
-server -startwebserver N/A If enabled, starts a webserver for the /www/ folder on
-coincfg --coinconfig COIN:mindailyrate:maxactiveamount,COIN2:minrate2:maxactive2,... (BTC:.01:1,CLAM:.001:1) Custom config per coin, useful when closing positions etc.
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