First, thank you for visiting this page and for even thinking about contributing.
If you find a bug (in master), feel free to follow these steps:
- Check if this bug is a bug and can be recreated.
- Check if this bug is already reported (use the issue search or google).
- Open the issue and describe the problem as much as needed (not as you can!)
- Include the version of minosoft (or commit name), your OS and all information like that
- Include a log. If you know what you are doing, include the interesting paths (and the first exception that happened). If you don't know much about that stuff, just include the whole log (You may need to censor email addresses, ...). Paste the log into a code block and do not use other 3rd party sites!
- Describe the bug and follow the rules
Please take a look at /doc/contributing/
Minosoft is an open source project, it helps if you recommend it and share it more users (probably) use it. I'll feel good, that I developed something useful, and people start contributing.
Just doing it to learn stuff and have fun. I started this in mind, that I'll never earn money from it.
If you want to ask me, the team or whoever in this project a question, you can do the following things:
- Issues: Just open an issue if you want to ask it, or suggest something. If it is a really short thing, this is not recommended, but even if, it is no problem.
- E-mail: You can contact me here: [email protected]
- Matrix: