diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d23fb07..24fd889 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,37 +1,24 @@
-Black Tek Server [![Linux Build](https://github.com/Black-Tek/BlackTek-Server/actions/workflows/linux_build_runner.yml/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/Black-Tek/BlackTek-Server/actions/workflows/linux_build_runner.yml) [![Windows Build](https://github.com/Black-Tek/BlackTek-Server/actions/workflows/windows_build_runner.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/Black-Tek/BlackTek-Server/actions/workflows/windows_build_runner.yml)
+# Black Tek Server [![Linux Build](https://github.com/Black-Tek/BlackTek-Server/actions/workflows/linux_build_runner.yml/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/Black-Tek/BlackTek-Server/actions/workflows/linux_build_runner.yml) [![Windows Build](https://github.com/Black-Tek/BlackTek-Server/actions/workflows/windows_build_runner.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/Black-Tek/BlackTek-Server/actions/workflows/windows_build_runner.yml)
-Black Tek Server is a free and open-source MMORPG server emulator written in C++. It is a fork of the [TheForgottenServer](https://github.com/otland/forgottenserver) project. To connect to the server, you can use [OTClient Redemption](https://github.com/mehah/otclient).
-### Getting Started
-If you don't want to bother with source code or compiling. You can download from our release sections the binaries with everything needed ready to go.
+## What is BlackTek Server?
+**BlackTek Server** is an open source **2D Top Down MMORPG Game Server**, with tailor-made gameplay and tile based movement, developed in modern C++.
-#### Compiling
+## What is the point of BlackTek Server?
+**BlackTek Server** is intended to provide a user-friendly experience building 2D MMORPG's in a _**rapid development environment**_. Ultimately the goal is to create a user experience that removes the barrier between _**content creator**_ and _**programmer**_.
-For windows users looking for the quickest way to get started with BlackTek Server, you can follow the steps provided [here](https://otland.net/threads/tutorial-blacktek-from-nothing-to-fully-installed-with-aac-on-windows.289572/)
+## What sparked this idea?
-Otherwise please follow the steps provided below:
+BlackTek Server's origins started first with [OpenTibia](https://github.com/opentibia/server) and later [The Forgottenserver](https://github.com/otland/forgottenserver) , both are game servers designed to emulate a popular 2D MMORPG known as Tibia.
Having had my fun growing up tinkering with OpenTibia servers like TFS, I always wished they were not built so strict (explicitly emulating tibia), and allowed much more custom types of things. Since that never happened, I decided to do it myself!
BlackTek Server's starting codebase is [The Forgottenserver 1.4.2](https://github.com/otland/forgottenserver/releases/tag/v1.4.2), and BlackTek Server [1.0]() and [1.1]() were built to be almost completely backwards compatible with TFS 1.4.2.
-To compile you will need to install and integrate vcpkg.
-You can find detailed instructions for [Windows](https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg?tab=readme-ov-file#quick-start-windows) and [Unix](https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg?tab=readme-ov-file#quick-start-unix) based operating systems.
+## Getting Started
+If you wish to get started immediately you may download all the binaries along with the datapack and other required files from our [Release Section](https://github.com/Black-Tek/BlackTek-Server/releases).
-Once you have successfully installed vcpkg, and integrated the installation, you will need to download the newest [premake](https://github.com/premake/premake-core.git) from the dev branch (must use dev branch, its the one hyperlinked).
-Please follow instructions on how to compile premake for your Operating System. Once you have premake compiled, place the binary in BlackTek-Server's folder. Then run premake via terminal/command line/bash using the following command:
-```premake5 vs2022```
-```./premake5 gmake2```
-OSX aka Mac:
-```premake5 xcode4```
-This will generate your project files.
-If you are using linux, please ensure you have manifest mode enabled.
-You can find more information about manifest mode [here.](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/vcpkg/concepts/manifest-mode)
-### Support
-### Issues
+Getting setup for compiling can be done the easy way by running either the ```bootstrap.bat```(Windows) or ```bootstrap.sh```(Linux).
If you prefer compiling manually, or you are looking for a more thorough getting started guide, you can find the information needed, based on your specific needs in our wiki [here](https://github.com/Black-Tek/BlackTek-Server/wiki/Getting-Started#compiling).
diff --git a/bootstrap.bat b/bootstrap.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbb188f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bootstrap.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+@echo off
+setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
+set projectDir=%CD%
+echo ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
+echo ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
+echo ::::: Black Tek Server Bootstrap :::::
+echo ::::: (for windows) :::::
+echo ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
+echo ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
+:: Check if vcpkg is installed first.
+where vcpkg >nul 2>&1
+if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 (
+ echo Vcpkg installation has been found!
+ echo skipping vcpkg installation..
+ goto premake_input
+) else (
+ echo Vcpkg installation has not been detected!
+ echo moving forward with vpckg installation...
+echo Please provide the path to the directory you wish to store your vcpgk installation!
+echo Warning!! This folder MUST ALREADY EXIST, or it won't be accepted.
+echo Example input: C:\Packages\vcpkg
+:: Remove quotes if user included them
+:: Check if path exists
+if not exist "!VCPKG_INSTALL_PATH!" (
+ echo Error: The specified path does not exist.
+ echo Please enter a valid path.
+ goto vcpkg_input
+:: Download and extract vcpkg
+echo Downloading vcpkg...
+curl -L "https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/archive/refs/heads/master.zip" -o vcpkg.zip || (
+ echo Failed to download vcpkg.
+ exit /b
+tar -xf vcpkg.zip
+del vcpkg.zip
+ren "vcpkg-master" "vcpkg"
+:: Setup vcpkg
+echo Setting up vcpkg...
+cd "!VCPKG_INSTALL_PATH!\vcpkg"
+call bootstrap-vcpkg.bat || (
+ echo Failed to bootstrap vcpkg.
+ exit /b
+vcpkg integrate install || (
+ echo Failed to integrate vcpkg.
+ exit /b
+cd "!projectDir!"
+echo Please enter a path to a folder for storing premake
+echo Warning: This folder must already exist, or it won't be accepted.
+echo Example: C:\premake
+set /p PREMAKE_PATH=Path:
+:: Check if path exists
+if not exist "!PREMAKE_PATH!" (
+ echo Error: The specified path does not exist.
+ echo Please enter a valid path.
+ goto premake_input
+:: Download and extract premake.
+:: We are currently locked into a version of premake
+:: which does not fail to build using its bootstrap.bat
+:: but also supports our needed features.
+echo Downloading premake...
+curl -L "https://github.com/premake/premake-core/archive/490686ceb24b29f16c1ec817ed05c07c5cce89c6.zip" -o premake.zip || (
+ echo Failed to download premake.
+ exit /b
+tar -xf premake.zip
+del premake.zip
+ren "premake-core-490686ceb24b29f16c1ec817ed05c07c5cce89c6" "premake-core"
+set premakeBin=!PREMAKE_PATH!\premake-core\bin\release\premake5.exe
+:: Build premake
+echo Building premake...
+cd premake-core
+cmd /c Bootstrap.bat || (
+ echo Premake build failed.
+ exit /b
+:: Copy premake5.exe to BlackTek-Server
+echo Copying premake5.exe...
+if not exist "!premakeBin!" (
+ echo Source file does not exist: "!premakeBin!"
+ exit /b
+if not exist "!projectDir!" (
+ echo Destination directory does not exist: "!projectDir!"
+ exit /b
+copy "!premakeBin!" "!projectDir!"
+if errorlevel 1 (
+ echo Failed to copy premake5.exe.
+ echo Error level: %errorlevel%
+ echo From: "!premakeBin!"
+ echo To: "!projectDir!"
+ exit /b
+echo Select Visual Studio version:
+echo [1] Visual Studio 2022
+echo [2] Visual Studio 2019
+echo [3] Visual Studio 2015
+echo [4] Visual Studio 2013
+echo [5] Visual Studio 2012
+set /p choice="Enter number (1-5): "
+:: Set the vs_version variable based on user choice
+if "%choice%"=="1" (
+ set "vs_version=vs2022"
+) else if "%choice%"=="2" (
+ set "vs_version=vs2019"
+) else if "%choice%"=="3" (
+ set "vs_version=vs2015"
+) else if "%choice%"=="4" (
+ set "vs_version=vs2013"
+) else if "%choice%"=="5" (
+ set "vs_version=vs2012"
+) else (
+ echo Invalid selection. Please try again.
+ timeout /t 2 >nul
+ goto select_vs_version
+:: Confirm selection
+echo You selected Visual Studio %vs_version%
+set /p confirm="Is this correct? (Y/N): "
+if /i not "%confirm%"=="Y" goto select_vs_version
+:: Run premake with selected version
+echo Generating solution files for %vs_version%...
+cd !projectDir!
+cmd /c premake5.exe %vs_version%
+if errorlevel 1 (
+ echo Failed to generate solution files.
+ echo Error level: %errorlevel%
+ pause
+ exit /b 1
+echo Solution files generated successfully!
+echo Setup complete. BlackTek has been successfully installed!
\ No newline at end of file