- Replace ISO8601 format by ISO8601DateFormatter - @Blackjacx.
- Update Deployment target to 10.0 - @Blackjacx.
- Update to Swift 5.4 - @Blackjacx.
- Remove Cocoapods and transfer Pods to SPM - @Blackjacx.
- Disable framework code signing - @Blackjacx.
- Exclude info plist in package manifest - @blackjacx.
- Xcode 12.4 migrations - @blackjacx.
- Disables SwiftLint - @blackjacx.
- Add month year combined formatting - @blackjacx.
- #21: Add month/year formatting - @blackjacx.
- #19: Add new accessibility date format & Fix Vulnerabilities & 12/24h check - @blackjacx.
- #14: Reset Locale to Current - @blackjacx.
- #13: Add SPM Support - @blackjacx.
- #11: Swift 5 Update - @blackjacx.
- #10: Improve product structure - @blackjacx.
- Add AUTHORS file - @blackjacx.
- #8: Fix Typo In Relative Date Formatting - @blackjacx.
- #7: Allow Relative Formatting For All SHDateFormats - @blackjacx.
- #5: Improve Robustness By Using Apple's Default Formatting Styles - @blackjacx.
- Refactor project structure - @blackjacx.
- Fix source-file reference in podspec - @blackjacx.
- #4: Conversion to Swift 4 - @blackjacx.
- Opts in for new build system - @blackjacx.