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(EN) Common Issues TFT Upload When nspanel lovelace ui has been installed

Chris edited this page Mar 29, 2023 · 6 revisions

in the version "nspanel-lovelace-ui" from joBr99 are a few special features built in, which make it not so easy to flash a new version and TFT on the NSPanel. But since we already had this problem, we have of course already a solution for you ;)

It is necessary to upload a "Blank TFT" file while "Lovelace ui" is still installed on the NSPanel.

IMPORTANT! If you have already installed the NSPanel with my version, you must first fully install "Lovelace ui" again.

The following steps are necessary:

  1. download the file "nspanel_blank.tft" from the folder custom_configuration.
  2. now upload the TFT file "nspanel_blank.tft" to the folder "www" in Home Assistant
  3. now go to the item "Developer tools --> Services" and search there for the services  
    "ESPHome: DEVICE_NAME_upload_tft" --> (esphome.device_name_upload_tft)
  4. under URL you have to enter the path to your file nspanel_blank.tft. This could look like this "http://IP_HOME_ASSISTANT:8123/local/nspanel_blank.tft"
  5. now the TFT file should be played on the NSPanel. It may take a moment until it is ready
  6. If everything worked, you should see only a white page on the NSPanel.
  7. now you can continue with the setup and configuration of my version. For this see Short version of the setup of Esphome and Blueprint