The filenames we use contain some important information about what all is included in the builds.
BlissOS-(Version)-(Device Type)-(Build Date)_k-(Kernel)_m-(Mesa)_(App Services)_(Extras).iso
This will be Bliss OS 11.x or 14.x, depending on what version of Android we are compiling.
Device Type:
- x86/x86_64 :- Device Type 32bit/64bit
Build Date:
This will be the julian date-time from when the compile started.
Kernel & Mesa:
- _k-xxxxx :- Kernel Branch - ex: k-kernel-5.4
- _m-xxxxx :- Mesa Branch - ex: m-r-x86 (r/r-x86 means stock Mesa branch in current manifest)
App Services:
Stock - Normally barebones, minimal apps added. Perfect for product testing
FOSS - Includes Free and Open Source app store solutions
Gapps/GMS - Includes Google Play Services
- foss/gms/emugapps :- Apps Type
Sometimes we will include extras into the builds, and that identifier will show in the last section.
Our Native-Bridge variations are also added to this section.
- houdini/libvndk :- Native-Bridge Type