*NOTE: "schedules" as used in endpoints refer to childrens' enrollments to courses ; "schedule" specific endpoints join the children , enrollments , and courses tables and return data matching the given profile_id
profile_id: INCREMENT (primary key, auto-increments, generated by database),
name: STRING (required),
email: STRING (required),
role_id: INTEGER (required, foreign key),
avatarUrl: STRING (required, defaults to: 'https://i.stack.imgur.com/frlIf.png'),
Returns an array of all existing profiles.
Returns the profile object with the specified okta_id
/profiles/users/:profile_id (BUG: /profiles/users route does not exist; app.js only connects to /profiles/user)
Returns an array filled with event objects that contains information based on profile_id and role_id.
/profile/role/:role_id (BUG: does not return any data)
Returns an array filled with event objects that contain information based on role_id for all profiles of a role_id type.
Requires a name, password, and email. Registers a new user.
Returns an event object with the specified okta
. Updates specific profile.
Returns an event object with the specified okta
. Deletes specific profile.
These endpoints are user-focused. As opposed to the more flexible Profile endpoints where profile_id must be specified, these endpoints retrieve data specific only to the user profile that is making the API request by using the logged-in user's profile_id .
Returns an event object with the specified okta
and type
Returns an event object with the specified okta
Returns an event object with the specified okta
Returns an event object with the specified id
. Updates specific user.
Posts a new user in the database and in the Okta Dashboard.
NOTE: these are the password requirements: at least 8 characters, a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a number, no parts of your username.
The required fields include the following: {
firstName: string,
lastName: string,
email: string,
password: string,
role_id: int,
avatarUr(not required): string,
parent_id: INCREMENT (primary key, auto-increments, generated by database),
profile_id: INTEGER (required, foreign key),
Returns an array filled with children event objects with the specified profile_id
Returns an array filled with schedules event objects with the specified profile_id
child_id: INCREMENT (primary key, auto-increments, generated by database),
profile_id: INTEGER (required, unique, foreign key),
username: STRING (required),
age: INTEGER (required),
parent_id: INTEGER (required, foreign key),
Returns an array containing all existing children.
Requires a username, name, and age. Returns the name, profile_id, and parent_id.
Returns the child with the given 'id'.
Returns the updated child object
Returns the name of the child deleted
Returns an array filled with event objects with the specified id
Returns the event object with the specified id
. Enrolls a student.
Returns the event object with the specified id
. Updates a student's enrollments. (Not Implemented)
Returns the event object with the specified id
. Unenrolls student from course. (Not Implemented)
instructor_id: INCREMENT (primary key, auto-increments, generated by database),
instructor_name: STRING (required),
rating: INTEGER (required),
availability: STRING (optional),
bio: STRING (required),
profile_id: INTEGER (required, foreign key),
status: STRING (required, default: 'pending'),
approved_by: INTEGER (optional, foreign key, default: null, references admin_id),
Returns an array containing all course event objects belonging to the currently logged in instructor.
program_id: INCREMENT (primary key, auto-increments, generated by database),
program_name: STRING (required, unique),
program_description: STRING (required),
Returns an array filled with program objects.
Returns the program object with the specified id
Contains fields: program_name
and program_description
. Returns the newly created program object.
Updates the program with the specified id
using data from the request body
. Returns the modified program
Removes the program with the specified id
and returns deletion success message .
course_id: INCREMENT (primary key, auto-increments, generated by database),
course_name: STRING (required),
course_description: STRING (required),
days_of_week: ARRAY[strings] (optional),
max_size: INTEGER (required),
min_age: INTEGER (required),
max_age: INTEGER (required),
instructor_id: INTEGER (required, foreign key),
program_id: INTEGER (required, foreign key),
start_time: TIME (required),
end_time: TIME (required),
start_date: DATE (required),
end_date: DATE (required),
location: STRING (required),
number_of_sessions: INTEGER (required),
instructor_name: STRING (required),
syllabus_link: STRING (required)
Returns an array containing all course objects
Returns the course object with the specified course_id
--needs to be fleshed out--
Updates and returns the updated course object with the specified course_id
Deletes the course object with the specified course_id
and returns a message containing the deleted course_id on successful deletion
newsfeed_id: INCREMENT (primary key, auto-increments, generated by database),
title: STRING (required),
link: STRING (required),
description: STRING (required),
posted_at: TIMESTAMP (auto-generated),
Returns an array containing all newsfeed objects.
Returns the event object with the specified newsfeed_id
Creates a new newsfeed object and returns the newly created newsfeed.
Updates the newsfeed object with the given newsfeed_id and returns the newly updated newsfeed
Deletes the newsfeed object with the given newsfeed_id and returns the deleted newsfeed.
conversation_id: INCREMENT (primary key, auto-increments, generated by database),
profile_id: INTEGER (required, foreign key),
Returns an array filled with inbox event objects.
Retrieves an inbox with the specified inbox_id BUG(?): incorrectly labeled as profile_id in codebase rather than inbox_id
Creates an inbox and returns the newly created inbox.
Returns the event object with the specified inbox_id
. Sends a message.
Returns an array filled with event objects with the specific profile_id
. Updates an inbox.
Returns an array filled with event objects with the specific okta
. Deletes an inbox.
event_id: INCREMENT (primary key, auto-increments, generated by database),
date: STRING (required),
time: STRING (required),
type: STRING (required),
content: STRING (required),
details: STRING (required),
profile_id: INTEGER (required, foreign key, auto-generated by database),
Returns an array filled with calendar event objects.
Retrieves calendar event objects with the profile_id of logged in user
Retrieves calendar event object with the specified event_id
Creates a calendar event and returns the newly created calendar event.
Updates and returns the updated calendar event object with the specific event_id
Deletes a calendar event and returns a success message on successful deletion.
Schedule (Not Implemented)
Returns an array filled with event objects.
Returns the event object with the specified id
Returns the event object with the specified id
. Creates a schedule.
Returns the event object with the specified id
. Creates a session.
Returns the event object with the specified id
. Updates specific schedule.
Returns the event object with the specified id
. Deletes specific schedule.
Data Tables Without Existing Endpoints
super_admin_id: INCREMENT (primary key, auto-increments, generated by database),
profile_id: INTEGER (required, foreign key),
admin_id: INCREMENT (primary key, auto-increments, generated by database),
profile_id: INTEGER (required, foreign key),
messages_id: INCREMENT (primary key, auto-increments, generated by database),
sent_at: TIMESTAMP (auto-generated),
title: STRING (required),
read: BOOLEAN (required, default: false),
message: STRING (required),
sent_by_profile_id: INTEGER (required, foreign key),
inbox_id: INTEGER (required, foreign key,
Instructors' Program Types
Join Table: Programs instructors are approved to teach
instructors_program_types_id: INCREMENT (primary key, auto-increments, generated by database),
instructor_id: INTEGER (required, foreign key),
program_id: INTEGER (required, foreign key),
Join Table: Courses signed up for by children
enrollments_id: INCREMENT (primary key, auto-increments, generated by database),
completed: BOOLEAN (required, default: false),
child_id: INTEGER (required, foreign key),
course_id: INTEGER (required, foreign key),
resource_id: INCREMENT (primary key, auto-increments, generated by database),
resource: STRING (required),
description: STRING (optional),
task: BOOLEAN (required),
instructor_id: INTEGER (required, foreign key),
Visual Database Schema: https://dbdesigner.page.link/WTZRbVeTR7EzLvs86 *Currently Outdated
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