The examples below assume that $GRPC_ROOT is set to the directory that
contains the grpc repository, and $GO_BIN is the directory that contains
the go client and server executables. ($> export GO_BIN=...
The test suite grpc_SUITE.erl
can be executed using
make ct
To test the Erlang implementation against the reference implementation in go, install the go examples:
go install\grpc\examples\route_guide\client
go install\grpc\examples\route_guide\server
- start the go server without any arguments:
. - run the "test_grpc_client":
$> make shell
1> cd("test").
2> c(test_grpc_client).
3> test_grpc_client:run(tcp). %% run a test without ssl
To test with tls:
- stop the go server (^C)
- start the go server again, this time with tls:
$> $GO_BIN/server -tls -cert_file $GRPC_ROOT/test/certificates/server1.pem -key_file $GRPC_ROOT/test/certificates/server1.key -json_db_file $GRPC_ROOT/test/testdata/route_guide_db.json
Run the test client with the tls option:
4> test_grpc_client:run(tls).
Start the Erlang server (without tls):
$> make shell
1> cd(test).
2> c(test_grpc_server).
3> test_grpc_server:run(tcp).
Run the go client:
$> $GO_BIN/client
To test with ssl:
4> test_grpc_server:stop().
5> test_grpc_server:run(ssl).
Tun the go client with ssl: $> $GO_BIN/client -tls -ca_file $GRPC_ROOT/test/certificates/My_Root_CA.crt -server_host_override localhost