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Banlist Backups

Blue edited this page Dec 17, 2020 · 5 revisions

EasyAdmin, since Version 5.6, automatically creates backup of your banlist in the "backup" folder, inside EasyAdmin, by default, Backups are created every 3 Days and kept for 30 Days before being overwritten by newer Backups.

Creating Backups

You can change the configuration options for Backups using the following Convars in your Server Config

ea_backupFrequency 72 # In hours, how often a backup should be created
ea_maxBackupCount 10 # how many backups should be created, at max.

Backups can also be created manually using the ea_createBackup Command.

Loading Backups

EasyAdmin natively supports loading of backup files, you will need to check which banlist file you want to load in the "backups" folder, then use the following command to load it:

ea_loadBackup banlistFile.json

Make sure to replace banlistFile.json with your banlist file, for example, banlist_12_37_16_12_2077.json