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A task Ms. Boba would *love* to get done
The original contributor needs to abandon this PR, and we need someone to step up to help out.
this would be easier if we had tests! ask about how you can help
Ensure everyone's privacy is respected.
Is familiar with the React Framework
The task doesn't have broad repercussions on the BobaBoard codebase
Needs to know how to deal with Postgres table design or query writing
An issue made of many small parts that can be tackled by multiple people independently
A problem whose solution might involve just trying a bunch of things and seeing what works
Gotta get it done within a reasonable amount of time. If you commit, please be mindful of time!
Auto-added to all issues; removed after issues have been reviewed and classified
please do continue from where i left off
The issue is currently undergoing interface/interaction desing.
Make it look (& interact) good
Can easily be broken down in a way in which a volunteer should have a easy way taking care of it
Requires an understanding of broad web development technologies
You can’t perform that action at this time.