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162 lines (117 loc) · 6.67 KB

File metadata and controls

162 lines (117 loc) · 6.67 KB


A command line utility that makes it easier to work with the Thingworx VSCode Project Template. Its purpose is to make it easer to update the project template by moving most files not directly related to the thingworx project itself into external dependencies. This way, whenever any improvements or bug fixes are made, developers will only need to update the dependencies and not do any changes to their actual project.

It includes the tasks that were previously defined in that project's gulpfile and will contain any future utilities.


This is primarily meant to be used with a project based on the Thingworx VSCode Project Template. It can also be used with an empty project to initialize a thingworx project in it.

To use it, run npm install --save-dev bm-thing-cli then run any of the available commands with npx twc <command>. Running the tool with no command will print out a message listing the available commands. Alternatively, you may install this globally via npm install -g bm-thing-cli which will allow you to use it outside of thingworx projects (for example to run the init command) and without the npx prefix.

The available commands are detailed below:



npx twc declarations

Builds the thingworx declarations for the project, making it possible to reference thingworx entities via their collections, e.g. Things.MyThing.



npx twc watch

Builds the thingworx declarations for the project, making it possible to reference thingworx entities via their collections, e.g. Things.MyThing, whenever there are any changes in the src folder.



npx twc build [--merged|--separate] [--debug] [--trace] [--projects]

Builds a thingworx extension package from the typescript project which can be installed on a thingworx server. Arguments:

  • --merged: Can be used with a multi-project repository. Causes the projects to be bundled in a single extension.
  • --separate: Can be used with a multi-project repository and is the default if --merged isn't specified. Causes the projects to each have their own separate extension.
  • --debug: Creates a debug build.
  • --trace: Creates a trace build.
  • --projects: If specified, this limits the projects that are built to the ones specified in this argument. Usage:
twc build --projects=Project1,Project2



npx twc upload [--merged|--separate] [--debug] [--trace] [--remove] [--retain-version] [--projects]

Builds a thingworx extension package from the typescript project, then imports it on the server defined in either the environment or package.json. Arguments:

  • --remove: If specified, the current version of the extension(s) will be removed prior to installing the new version.
  • --retain-version: If specified, the version of the extension(s) in the package.json is not incremented. Useful if the version is driven out of external tools



npx twc deploy [--merged|--separate] [--debug] [--trace] [--remove] [--retain-version] [--projects]

Builds a thingworx extension package from the typescript project, then imports it on the server defined in either the environment or package.json. After the installation is complete, it runs the services marked with the @deploy decorator.



npx twc push [--merged|--separate] [--debug] [--trace] [--remove] [--retain-version] [--projects]

Builds a thingworx extension package from the typescript project, then imports it on the server defined in either the environment or package.json, while uploading any XML projects as regular editable entities.



npx twc pull [--projects]

Pulls XML entities from the thingworx server for all local XML projects. If the --projects argument is specified, any projects included must also exist locally.



npx twc remove [--merged|--separate]

Removes the current version of the extension(s) from the thingworx server defined in either the environment or package.json.



npx twc add-project

Adds a new thingworx project to the repository. If the repository is currently a single project, it will convert it into a multi-project repository.



twc init

Creates a new thingworx project in the current folder. This will automatically create files such as package.json and tsconfig.json, but without the sample files included in the Thingworx VSCode Project repository. Unless you already have a package.json file with bm-thing-cli defined as a dependency in the current folder, this command requires that this cli utility be installed globally.



npx twc upgrade

Upgrades a thingworx project from the old gulp-based build script to using this utility, by removing the gulpfile and uninstalling its associated dependencies, and then installing bm-thing-cli.



The following software is required:

  • NodeJS: needs to be installed and added to the PATH. You should use the LTS version.

The following software is recommended:

  • Visual Studio Code: An integrated developer enviroment with great javascript and typescript support. You can also use any IDE of your liking, it just that most of the testing was done using VSCode.

Development Environment

In order to develop this extension you need to do the following:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run npm install. This will install the development dependencies for the project.
  3. Start working on the project.

File Structure

│         // this file
│   package.json      // node package details
│   license           // license file
└───scripts           // build scripts
│   │   clean.js            // script that cleans the dist folder
└───src               // main folder where your developement will take place
│   │   file1.ts            // typescript file
|   |   ...
└───dist              // files used in the distribution


To build the project, run npm run build in the root of the project. This will generate the appropriate files in the dist folder.


  • BogdanMihaiciuc: main developer
  • stefan-lacatus: pull and push commands, retainVersion argument, method helpers, generate-api command, bug fixes
  • CozminM: compatiblity with thingworx 8.5


MIT License