Note: Stars denote plugins crucial for reading and developing Scientific Notes
, while the others simply enhance your writing experience.
Enable the following core plugins in Settings
>Core plugins
*File explorer
*Graph view
*Outgoing links
*Tag pane
*Page preview
*Note composer
*Command palette (mutually exclusive with Better Command Palette)
*Editor Status
*Word count
*File recovery
Quick switcher (mutually exclusive with Quick Switcher++)
Go to Settings
>Community plugins
>Disable Safe mode
. Click Browse
and install the following plugins. Stars denote plugins crucial for reading and developing Scientific-Notes
, while the others simply enhance the writing experience.
*Advanced Slides
*Obsidian Git
*Obsidian42 - BRAT
*Related Notes Finder
*TikZJax (as 'obsidian-tikzjax' via BRAT)
Advanced Tables
Better Command Palette (mutually exclusive with Command palette)
Better PDF Plugin
Better Word Count
Convert url to preview
Core Search Assistant
Custom Frames
Customizable Sidebar
Dangling links
Discord Rich Presence
Editor Syntax Highlight
Extended MathJax
File Explorer Note Count
Find and replace in selection
Focus mode
Graph Analysis
Image caption
Latex Suite (mutually exclusive with Quick Latex for Obsidian)
Media Extended
Notion-Like Tables
Number headings
Obsidian Image Toolkit
Obsidian Tabs
Pandoc Plugin
Quick Latex for Obsidian (mutually exclusive with Latex Suite)
Quick Switcher++ (mutually exclusive with Quick switcher)
Remember cursor position
Settings Search
Table Extended
Tag Page Preview
Tag Wrangler
Text Extractor
Workspaces Plus
To change a plugin's settings, go to Settings
>Plugin options
Advanced Slides
Export Directory: '<Personal_pool>/_Assets/Presentations'
Cache Directory: '<Personal_pool>/_Assets/Desmos'
Excalidraw folder: '<Personal_pool>/_Assets/Excalidraw'
Excalidraw template file: '<Personal_pool>/_Assets/Excalidraw/Template.excalidraw'
Excalidraw Automate script folder: '<Personal_pool>/_Assets/Excalidraw/Scripts'
Embed & Export
Display SVG in markdown preview: true
Embed SVG or PNG as Wiki link: true
Export image with background: false
Export settings
Keep the .SVG and/or .PNG filenames in sync with the drawing file: true
Auto-export SVG: true
Auto-export PNG: true
Prepend / Append new cards: 'Append'
Note template: '_Common/_Assets/Templates/_to-do'
Note folder: '<Personal_pool>'
Obsidian Git
Sync method: 'Merge'
Current branch: 'master'
Pull updates on startup: true
Pull changes before push: true
Template folder location: '<Personal_pool>/_Assets/Templates'