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Projet robot autonome : DIMR-kuka

Répertoire du projet 3A robotique autonome (promotion 2019/2020) : DIMR KUKA

Ce répertoire contient l'ensemble des fichiers nécessaires à l'utilisation du projet ROS, ainsi que les différentes documentations du bras KUKA KR6 R900 et de son contrôleur KRC4.

To begin, turn the green on/off switch on the controller to the on position. The kuka will initialise for a few minutes.

Once initialized you will have access to the kuka control interface.

Manual control

To control the robot in manual mode start by placing it in T1 mode. To do this, turn the key on the control panel, press T1 and then turn the key over.

Once in T1 mode, unlock the emergency stops. Click confirm all on the control panel

then click on the operator acknolegment button on the back of the controller (without going through the kuka work area!)

At this point the kuka is ready to be controlled manually. Simply hold one of the white buttons on the back of the tablet with your finger and then move the various joints with the 6 buttons on the side of the tablet.

Automatic control

To run a program on the kuka it is necessary to switch it to automatic mode.

⚠️ Automatic mode means that you do not need to hold down a button to make the kuka move as in T1 mode, when using this mode always have an emergency stop button in your hands. To switch to automatic mode turn the key, click aut and then turn the key back.

Once in automatic mode, unlock the emergency stops, set the operator safety switch to 1 and click on operator acknowledgement (without going through the kuka work area!). Then start the controller by clicking on the I (or O) at the top of the tablet and then clicking on the I button

Then you have to select a program. For example, for the program kuka_eki you just have to click on it and then press the select button. Finally, to start the program, press the play button on the left of the tablet.

⚠️ The programme is now running independently. Please be aware of the kuka's movements and do not hesitate to press the emergency stop.



sudo apt-get install python-imaging-tk
sudo apt-get install python-tk
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone
git clone
cd ..
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src
source ~/.bashrc

If you also want to use the wsg50 effector mounted on the kuka :

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone
cd ..
source ~/.bashrc


To start the DIMR-KUKA project in simulation, type the following command. An RSI simulator is started in the background to simulate the true response of the KRC4 via the RSI module.

roslaunch dimr_kuka dimr_kuka.launch sim:=true gripper:=false


Once the kuka has been put into emergency mode, connect the ethernet cable from the switch on the bottom of the kuka to your PC. Also connect the power supply to the end effector if you wish to use it. Once everything is connected you can remove the emergency stop on the kuka and run the kuka_eki program.

On your pc it is necessary to manually provide DHCP on the address Remember to disable the proxy server if you have one. The kuka ip address will be and the effector will be

You can check the connection of all items by running the command nmap -sP if everything is connected the output should be similar to this:

Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2021-08-31 10:57 CEST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0016s latency).
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.00027s latency).
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.0025s latency).
Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (3 hosts up) scanned in 16.12 seconds

You can then run the command for the kuka. You will then have access to rviz to control it.

roslaunch dimr_kuka dimr_kuka.launch sim:=false mode:=eki gripper:=false

🦾 To use the effector, it is first necessary to change the connection ip in the ros package. Open with your favorite editor the file: ~/catkin_ws/src/wsg50-ros-pkg/wsg_50_driver/launch/wsg_50_tcp.launch and replace line 5 with the line below

	<param name="ip" type="string" value=""/>

Once registered you can run the following command to take control of the effector.

roslaunch dimr_kuka dimr_kuka.launch sim:=false mode:=eki gripper:=true   

🔧 The gripper services then start automatically, you can test the operation of the gripper with the command rosservice call /wsg_50_driver/move 50 50. If it moves everything is normal. If it responds with a 255 error then go to the tab manual control and click on the home button you can then use the effector directly with ROS.


To use the kuka (and the effector) with ronoco you just have to install the project and then launch it with the following command.

roslaunch ronoco manipulator.launch commander:=manipulator compliant_mode:=None end_effector:=wsg_50_driver/move


  • Documentation sur la calibration (vidéos à upload) ;
  • Documentation sur la procédure de restauration du KRC4 en cas de pépin ;
  • Investiguer les problèmes avec le module RSI (workspace KRC4 à setup via Kuka WorkVisual ?) ;
  • Problèmes avec les points cartésiens sur le robot lors de l'utilisation réelle avec EKI ;
  • Améliorer le connecteur X11 en faisant une vrai boîte (voir documentation start-up) ;
  • Avoir KUKA au téléphone pour qu'ils viennent mettre à jour le KRC4 (et fournir une maj de RSI au passage)