It's a package which allow you to display sumologic charts in your slack via Hubot. That's why the name is so long, sorry for that 😉
I assume you already have an Hubot and you just want add this feature If you want everything from the beginning, you should check hubot-slack repository which explain how to do it.
Let's go ! First, like all Npm package, install it !
npm install hubot-slack-sumologic-charts --save
Make sure you have the following environment variables set correctly
Install Complete !
For now, this package only works for dashboard widgets. Support for queries should be planned and added depending of time left...
Other important point, Sumologic API and especially the dashboard part is still in beta, that's why that package will never reach version 1.0.0 while this part isn't done. But the most important part is you can't have easily the information about a dashboard and his widgets, this part of the API seems broken or not implemented yet, we have open an issue for it and hope one this one will be done.
Don't hesitate to push it, this package should be better ! [ Github issue]
So you have to explain hubot, how to get widget data from a dashboard and unfortunately, this part is manual 😞.
I will tell you how to explain hubot to learn new things later, now the process !
For now we can't do it easily while the dashboard API from Sumologic is broken. So we have to teach hubot how to get it and we use a name you will give for that. We suppose hubot have is memory set and he find the widget.
Thanks to jsdom and highcharts, we can transform what sumologic return to a chart and generate a svg file. Only a little range of sumologic charts have been implemented, feel free to implement others or create issue for them.
For now we will use svg2png, it use phamtomjs in background for extract png from svg. Not the nicer solution but the easiest for now. Other lib are only wrapper of lower image libs. Maybe this latest solution is faster than the previous and we should consider it on long term maybe. But this one is harder to implement and depend on which OS the hubot will run.
Hubot send image generated to the channel/user where the command have been executed.
That's all !
This is simple but not convenient. You have to create a json file with the mapping between dashboard/widget you want to generate. Example below :
"boulangerie-baguettes": {
"dashboardId" : 12345678,
"widgetId" : 87654321,
"type" : "stackedBar"
"boulangerie-pie": {
"dashboardId" : 123456781,
"widgetId" : 876543210,
"type" : "pie"
"boulangerie-butter-counter": {
"dashboardId" : 1234567811,
"widgetId" : 8765432100,
"type" : "counter"
"boulangerie-baguette-cooking": {
"dashboardId" : 14567811,
"widgetId" : 8765332100,
"type" : "timecounter"
"boulangerie-sells": {
"dashboardId" : 14567823,
"widgetId" : 8765332111,
"type" : "lines"
This file have to contain in his filename the mention : hubot-sumo-lesson
Object keys are the way to sumo to retrieve the chart you want at the time you asked to hubot.
Types are the currently supported chart hubot can generate, the example above list all of them for now.
Finally to teach to hubot, just upload that file and ensure this one have a public visibility. You can add as many lessons you want hubot brain will merge his memory with the new lesson.
This is an experimental package, so if you find something wrong, don't hesitate to ask.
@hubot sumo boulangerie-pie
@hubot lobotomize sumo